
Surya Namaskar and Its 8 Amazing Benefits

Surya namaskar or Sun salutation has got several health benefits. Giving in just 10 minutes of suryanamaskar for yourself each day can have remarkable changes in several aspects of your life. Moreover performing surya namaskar is a total body workout and 30 minutes of this would help in burning 417 calories. It helps in strengthening one’s muscles and also helps in lowering the blood sugar levels. While it also increases the metabolism and blood circulation making the skin glow. Even the menstrual cycle gets regulated with the regular practice of surya namaskar. To begin with you can start with 10 minutes slowly increasing the duration by 5 minutes each week. Your body is going to thank
you for your effort.

Surya Namaskar and Its 8 Amazing Benefits
Surya Namaskar and Its 8 Amazing Benefits | img: google

Here are the amazing 8 benefits of Surya namaskar:

1. Aids in weight loss

Performing the Surya Namaskar at a quicker stride is usually a virtuous cardio exercise it can be called as a full body workout that will aid in weight loss. The stretches support in stretching your abdominal muscles which helps in shedding few pounds near the belly. It also helps in refining your metabolism.

2. Makes the skin glow

Surya Namaskar enhances the circulation of blood, making your face and your skin look more radiant than ever. It helps in averting wrinkles and aging. Execute this asana each day to get enhanced outcome.

3. Aids in improving digestive system

Surya Namaskar aids in the best performance of your digestive system. It escalates the blood flow to your digestive system, safeguarding the improved running of your intestines. Mainly the forward pose mainly helps in aggregate the abdominal area on the inside by stretching, which helps in discharge the gas from your system.

4. Improves Sleep

Surya Namaskar is best known to rectify your sleep pattern. It helps in soothing your mind which gives you improved and a calm sleep at night.

5. Assists in detoxifying the body

Surya Namaskar aids in sustaining an useful inhaling and exhaling process, when the lungs are well ventilated, the blood starts getting fresh oxygen which supplies the well oxygenated blood to every part of the body. This way it assists in detoxifying the body by getting divested of carbon dioxide and other
toxic gases.

6. Mends Anxiety

Performing the Surya Namaskar each day, you will find a transformation that is physical as well as mental. It also aids in improving memory and a better operation of our neuorological system. It also aids in calming down the nerves and get liberated from anxiety. It stablizes the movement of the endocrine glands and is mainly helpful to person with thyroid problems.

7. Lowers Blood Sugar

Practicing the Surya Namaskar regularly aids in lowering your blood sugar levels in check. It also supports in keeping several heart related diseases away.

8. Regulates menstrual cycle

Surya Namaskar normally aids in enhancing the regulation of the menstrual cycle. Consistantly doing sun salutation helps in lessening the pain at the time of of childbirth. Moreoever executing the asana each day for having a stronger abdominal muscles and also known for experiencing a less cramps before and the onset of the menstrual cycle.

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