
Jurassic World Movie Review -Frankly I’m Disappointed

Jurassic World
Jurassic World

So, people are going crazy for much awaited movie Jurassic World. Well, I really wonder how people are liking that movie more than its previous parts. No, I did not say that its bad or something like that but still, it can never ever live up to Jurassic Park (part 1 & 3, at least as part 2, the lost world did not do that magic to me)

I also think, only those guys are going crazy for the movie who have not seen the previous parts. I grew up watching all these sci-fi movies only. And talking about Jurassic Park, it has its own charm. I still love to see how Dr. Grant Alan bravely rescues Tim from the car hung up on the broken branch of a tree. And then in 3rd part, how he saves billy when he does folly of stealing the egg. Gosh! That is something remarkable and a real dose of awesomeness.

Jurassic World I found was a true action movie and is nothing like Jurassic Park. Its of a complete different genre actually. And at times, I found it silly!

No wonder, its a ‘nice’ movie and with time, when it’ll be shown on TV channels regularly, I’d start liking it but yes, first impression was not that good, as I was expecting.

Here are 8 Reasons Why ‘Jurassic World’ Can Never Live Up To ‘Jurassic Park’

  • Jurassic park -1993 which was the first and the best of all the sequence of the dinosaurs films was directed by Steven Spielberg and was a massive blockbuster. The movie could create the real phobia in anyone’s heart and the tremor of being present among the dinosaurs. Jurassic world -2015 is the fourth sequence is pure action movie.
  • The fact that its Luxury resort! Duh-oh!
  • Dinosaurs- cannot be trained or be seen talking to persons and behaving as per their orders. Jurassic world casts these unreal facts of using the Velociraptors for military purpose in the Jurassic world. One can find these acts really silly. Jurassic park story is more realistic where the portraying of the scientific cloning through DNA culture and its explanation was proven and can have real results.
  • The concept of creating cloned DNA in a far off island in America and the huge ironed bar fences which had electrifying control could make any nerve creak and create an un-intention fear for the danger and the result one can think when one sees a dinosaur- so Jurassic Park is a never forgettable film. Jurassic world amusement park is in no comparison and the aquarium looks so silly where the carnivores are found eating fishes and small animals. Jurassic world is amusing, but not a very different from any other normal films. I mean really? If it was park where people could learn about Dinosaurs and know how they lived, how did they even thought of giving it this twist. Sam, in first part had a clear motive why he wants to make this park but Sam (Irfan Khan) just wanted to make it an amusement park to earn money and entertain people as in Disneyland.
  • Every detail of science, math and realism are taken into consideration and explained well in Jurassic park. The thunder and lightning, the power off episode, the torch light effect on the dinosaurs still remains crystal clear in our memory, so Jurassic park is in no comparison to any other dinosaur film. Jurassic world- entrance to the park, the aquarium leaves questioning in the mind of the beholder- as how can dinosaurs leave only through gulping fishes and do nothing to humans.
  • The training to the dinosaurs in Jurassic world –is pretty funny, and to use them for the purpose of military weapon is even more hilarious- truly the film lacks the concept and the valuation of Jurassic era and lifestyle of the Jurassic animals. Jurassic park had the clear and realistic behavior of dinosaurs that can never be tamed, but one needs to hide and take shelter so that the man eater- dinosaurs does not see them.
  • Jurassic world lacks in providing a proper storyline and a constructive work in making the sequence of the Jurassic park. You will find the intention and the ways used to tackle dinosaurs similar as to those of catching fishes or other water animals. Jurassic park in comparison was electrifying with a superb storyline.
  • The cinematography, sound effect, acting all lacks the taste of showing a dinosaur film. Rather Jurassic world looks like something which is comic and unimaginable and has no real presence and scientific reasoning. Thus one can get bored before interval. Compared to Jurassic park the movie is just nothing.
  • The cast- I missed Dr. Grant Alan in the movie. Also, Beth and Gray were not able to cope up with the situations. They seemed confident and tension-free! Oh yes, but Chris Pratt and Irfan Khan did a fab job.
All in all, I found it a full-on time pass movie. You watch it without going in-depth, you’ll enjoy it… but as soon as you’ll start digging in, you’ll feel its a silly storyline. But yes, big dinosaurs are a treat to watch, especially the Gallimimus that are always running, running and just running.

Ratings: 4/5

P.S: The views are solely mine and I do not wish to argue with anyone upon this

image source- universal pictures and pinterest

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