
Hello February! 17 Mind-blowing Facts about February

February is here! This month is famous worldwide as the month of love obviously because of Valentine’s Day. But there’s more to this shortest month of the year and in this post, I am sharing 17 such mind-blowing facts about february. Read and see how many points you already knew?

Hello February! 17 Mind-blowing Facts about February
Hello February! 17 Mind-blowing Facts about February

17 Mind-blowing Facts about February

  1. It is the shortest month of the year with 28 and 29 days
  2. The word ‘February’ has been derived from the Latin word ‘februum’ which means purification
  3. Romans has a purification ritual more like an early Roman spring cleaning festival and this month was named after that ritual
  4. February is the only month in the year which has number of days changing every 4th year (leap year).
  5. February was officially added to the Roman calendar in 713 B.C. when Julius Caesar remade the Roman calendar and assigned 28 and 29 days in this month
  6. Over the time, the length of February kept on changing. There was a point when Feb has 23 days only
  7. In the Northern Hemisphere, feb is the 3rd month of winter but in Southern Hemisphere, it is the last month of summer.
  8. Feb and Jan were the last months added to the roman numeral calendars
  9. February is one of the most misspelled words in English language. Once, even the White House press release has mistyped the word
  10. Feb is the only month in which there is a possibility of having no full moon in the whole month
  11. Feb, March and Nov always start on the same day except when its a leap year
  12. 29 feb born people are called as ‘leapers’. People born on 29 Feb either celebrate their birthday on 28 feb or 1st march.
  13. Though roses are most bought flowers in the month of feb, but flower of Feb is not rose but primrose
  14. Birthstone of Feb is amethyst
  15. 1 out of 1461 babies may be born on 29 feb
  16. Reason why feb has 28 months is because of the Roman superstitious as they believed even numbers are unlucky. They decided to have 28 days in Feb and considered as unlucky month. They performed purification rituals during this month.
  17. Feb is a national Cherry Month in the USA

Ain’t these facts so interesting about feb? Share!

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