Mind & Soul

Ruby Gemstone Jewellery and It’s Feminine Attraction

The magnificence and fierce charm of Ruby or Manikya stone jewellery is undeniable. This red gemstone is one of the most sought-after stones in the world, and for good reason. It’s been associated with royalty, power and wisdom for thousands of years. Undoubtedly, ruby gemstone jewellery and its feminine attraction has a long-standing history.

Ruby is the birthstone for July, and it’s also associated with romance. It’s believed that wearing ruby gemstone jewellery will bring you love and passion, but in a fiery way. Here are some of the reasons why ruby is such a powerful and feminine stone:

Ruby Gemstone Jewellery and It’s Feminine Attraction
Ruby Gemstone Jewellery and It’s Feminine Attraction

The Ruby Is the Universal Symbol of Passion, Love, and Desire

The colour red is a powerful force in the world. It has long been associated with passion, love, desire and power. The ruby’s deep red hue is the perfect example of this association. The ruby gemstone is said to be the most passionate of all gemstones because it carries all of these associations into one beautiful stone. When you wear this gemstone on your finger or around your neck, you will feel more attractive, sensual than ever before.

The Ruby Ring brings out the best in those who wear it, making them more attractive and desirable to others. The ruby can help you attract your soulmate or reinforce your relationship with that special someone in your life who makes you feel beautiful and loved. Also, the gemstone is traditionally given as a token of love on Valentine’s Day because it represents affectionate feelings between two people.

Ruby Is Highly Esteemed for Its Unique Colour

Ruby is the red variety of corundum, which is a mineral that forms in hexagonal crystals. The colour of the stone depends on the amount of chromium it contains, and the purest form of ruby (called “pigeon’s blood”) is extremely rare.

The hue of pure ruby is so deep and intense that it has been compared to the colour of blood. It also has a high lustre, or shine, and is valued for being able to retain its beautiful appearance even after being cut and polished into jewellery.

The colour of the stone is what makes it so valuable, and many people consider it to be one of the most beautiful gems in existence. For women who want to wear something that will make them feel confident and beautiful, ruby is one of the best choices. However, buy your ruby only from a store like GemPundit that sells certified gemstone at the best prices.

Ruby Gemstone Jewellery and It’s Feminine Attraction
Ruby Gemstone Jewellery and It’s Feminine Attraction

Ruby Stimulates Base or Root Chakra

Ruby stimulates the Base Chakra, which is located at the base of your spine. This chakra represents security in one’s self and is related to survival issues such as food, shelter and money. When this chakra is balanced, you will feel grounded and secure in yourself.

Manikya Stone encourages you to honour yourself, your body and your sensuality. The gemstone can help you let go of things you do not need in order to make room for new experiences and opportunities.

Ruby Promotes Self-Love

Ruby is a stone of self-love and acceptance, which makes it a great choice for anyone who struggles with self-care. It helps you accept yourself as you are and find ways to love yourself more deeply. This stone can also be used to promote positive feelings about your body image and appearance. It can be used to lift your spirits if you feel depressed or sad. It can help you let go of negative thoughts and feelings about yourself that hold you back from achieving your goals.

Ruby fosters emotional balance, which is helpful for anyone who has struggled with anxiety. It’s a good stone to use if you are trying to lose weight, but it can also help those who struggle with body image issues. As one of the most powerful stones for manifesting abundance and prosperity in your life, ruby helps to attract money, good luck and success into your life. It also enhances self-confidence and courage.

Rubies Are Even More Rare Than Diamonds

Ruby is one of the most valued and loved gemstones in the world. It’s more rare than diamonds, with only a small amount of natural rubies being found each year. The majority of mined rubies are treated to make them look better and increase their colour saturation. However, this doesn’t mean that all ruby jewellery is fake—it just means you should always get your ruby jewellery appraised by an expert jeweller before buying it.

Rubies are found only in a few countries: Burma (Myanmar), Cambodia and Thailand; India; Kenya; Mozambique; Namibia; Pakistan; Tanzania; Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Ruby Jewellery Can Be Worn Year-Round

Ruby is a versatile gemstone that can be worn with just about any outfit, in any season. Wear it with an ivory-toned blouse in the summer, or with a black cocktail dress in the fall. Ruby jewellery is popular any time of year, and you can find just about anything you need to complete your wardrobe. It is also one of the few gemstones that can be worn with any colour.

The deep, rich red of a ruby will complement a variety of shades, from light pink to dark purple. You can also wear this sparkling gem with white or black. Ruby jewellery is great for those who want to add some sparkle to their wardrobe but don’t want anything too flashy or too expensive.


Ruby is one of the most popular precious stones in the world that has been worn for centuries, and its popularity shows no signs of waning. The deep red colour is stunning on its own, but it also looks great with other colours. You can wear ruby jewellery with just about everything in your wardrobe and feel confident knowing that it will always look good.

When you want to buy ruby jewellery, you should make sure that the ruby is natural and not synthetic. Compare prices and quality so that you get the best deal possible. You can also consider buying loose stones so that you can have them set in a piece of jewellery that fits your style perfectly.

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