
Book Review: Finders Keepers by Stephen King

Finders Keepers by Stephen King
Finders Keepers by Stephen King

I have just finish reading another collection of Stephen King – Finders Keepers which is a thrilling and adventurous mystery story. The novel is the second volume of the trilogy series where detective Bill Hodges is followed by Mr. Mercedes.

The main theme of the story based on the murder of a writer named John Rothstein. A very important notebook of the writer where he had written some important points and relevant data is missing. The detective is trying to sort out necessary evidences and clues in respect of the murder and the missing things. Another climax driving readers to read further is the release of the prisoner and the killer after 35 years.

The story intertwined and plotted is the remarkable fashion which had made me visualize the exact realistic character of individuals and the situations very easily. The name of the famous novel Runner written by the murdered author, John Rothstein which was found to be missing. The real reason and the motive of the murderer to hide the series of the novel and to kill the writer are not very predictable.

A deadly cat and mouse game between Peter and Morris who fights for the stolen pages written by the writer John Rothstein is solved by the detective Bill Hodges. Every planning to understand the benefactors and solving out the missing puzzle is done through a very clear and understandable way.

The author Stephen King have left no stones unturned to fulfill readers expectations. His crime and thrill is extraordinary and has got all the material to grow interest for more. One cannot stop in any part of the story, and would crave to end it first than do other works.

Finders Keepers by Stephen King is as always a treat for readers. Stephen King is indeed a king of good books!

Direct buy link HERE.

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