
Amazing Benefits of Unplugging & Going Offline that you MUST know

What do I mean by saying unplugging? Well, it means going offline and cutting off your time from internet. I am a blogger and social media influencer and my work is to be on social media and stay active. I get paid for it, but still I too go offline for a major part of my day and cut my time off from internet. Internet, I have always said, is a good servant but a bad master. If you let the urge to mindlessly scroll the social media take over your mind, you will end up wasting a major portion of your day. In this post, I am sharing some amazing benefits of unplugging and going offline that you must know. This will help you unplug and spend a quality time that will surely rejuvenate your mind and soul.

Benefits of Unplugging & Going Offline
Benefits of Unplugging & Going Offline | img:pexel

Amazing Benefits of Unplugging & Going Offline that you MUST know

  1. You sleep cycle is improved
  2. You get time for other activities that will boost your productivity such as drawing, painting, writing, reading, gardening et al
  3. You get to have actual conversation with your friends and family in-person, that improves your bonding
  4. Your mental stress is reduced
  5. You are connected and aware of the real world and not just residing in the virtual world
  6. Your concentration is improved
  7. You consume less crappy data from internet that causes unnecessary stress and worry
  8. You save time and put it in something useful
  9. You sulk less, by seeing fancy and jazzy updates from friends and random strangers that makes you feel like a loser
  10. Less screen-time means good eye-sight

I am 95% sure after reading these, you must be thinking ‘hey, I knew all these’, and if that’s the case, well, take this post as a gentle reminder to unplug and enjoy your me-time in the real world.

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Also read:

10 Tips for a Morning Routine that Boosts Mental Health

5 Things to Do Without Internet at Home – Digital Detox

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