
5 Things to Do Without Internet at Home – Digital Detox

No internet? No problem. Here are 5 things to do without internet at home to have a good digital detox every single day. I am an author, a blogger and a social media influencer; I get paid from internet, still I cut my time off from it and spend time in the real world. Despite the fact that it is a major part of my profession. This is the need of the hour. I have always said, internet is a good servant but a bad master. Do not let FOMO (fear of missing out) rule your mind. You’ve got to go offline and spend some me-time, for the sake of your own mental health. Ya? Let’s see what can you do without internet.

5 Things to Do Without Internet at Home - Digital Detox
5 Things to Do Without Internet at Home – Digital Detox
  1. You can read a magazine or book before going to bed. This type of reading habit will make you stay away from the social media and you gather more useful information from the books rather than the addictive social media networks.
  2. Organise your office space, cupboard or your makeup table. Tiding up things can bring a peace of mind and let you stay away from social media even when you have no work to do in your home.
  3. Movie watching is one big way to get yourself stay away from the social media. This is because a normal movie running time is more than an hour and your mind will eventually get inside the movie rather than searching time for checking with other things.
  4. Spending time with your family is the best thing that can bring more positivism and happiness in your life. Do it every single day and enjoy the benefits of being unplugged from the internet. You can play some board games with your family members or maybe cook together your favourite food.
  5. You can take a bubble bath or a shower before going to sleep. Pampering yourself will make you feel good about your body and it will help in soothing your mood changes.

The idea is to take some time off from the virtual world of internet and look around and spend time in the real world. I too do it. I have fixed time of coming online and spending time on social media. Major part of my day is spent offline, which I feel helps me save my energy and time and that I can use it productivity in other activities.

Hope you found this article useful. Most of you after reading these, must be thinking ‘hey, I knew all these, nothing new you shared’, and if that’s the case, well, take this post as a gentle reminder to unplug and enjoy your me-time in the real world. This is not new, but while mindlessly scrolling on social media, we tend to forget these amazing things that we miss doing in our real world and waste a lot of our times. Agree? 😊

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