
33 Ways to Save Earth, Suitable for Everyone!

Every day is Earth Day and we all should try to save our mother earth by giving her the care and nourishment she needs from us. Here are 33 ideas suitable for everyone to implement in their lives to save our planet, our mother Earth.

33 Ways to Save Earth, Suitable for Everyone!
33 Ways to Save Earth, Suitable for Everyone!

33 Ways to Save Earth

  1. Plant saplings at your locality every month and encourage your friends, relatives and colleagues to do the same.
  2. Install solar panel and use solar energy at your house.
  3. Turn off lights and appliances when not in use and save electricity.
  4. Switch to Led lights from incandescent lights because Led lights are energy efficient.
  5. Go paperless or avoid using paper unnecessarily. Avoid using paper products like paper towel, paper glass or paper plates.
  6. Avoid printing mails or documents and if necessary, print on both sides of paper from front to back.
  7. Do not use single use plastic products and instead of throwing plastic, reuse it as much as possible.
  8. Throw recyclable products in the recycle bin and not in any other normal bin.
  9. Use biodegradable shopping bags and not plastic bags as they add up to plastic waste.
  10. Buy vegetables and fruits from local farmers, it will help them and also reduce the carbon footprint of transport vehicles.
  11. Do not cut trees in your backyard, kitchen yard or any land owned by you. Trees cleanses air and provides shade.
  12. Try to buy organic food, it is grown without using chemical fertilizers or pesticides.
  13. Give your paper products for recycling.
  14. Avoid using car for short distances and use cycle instead.
  15. Check for water leakages at your home and fix it soon.
  16. Turn off tap when not in use while brushing teeth, shaving or washing hands.
  17. Do not use bottled water, it adds up to plastic waste and water is wasted in the purification process to get mineral water.
  18. Use public transport
  19. Stop using RO water purifier as it wastes a lot of water in the purification process. Use UV or UV + UF water purifier instead.
  20. Compost your wet waste and use as manure in your garden or kitchen yard.
  21. Use washing machine or dishwasher only when you have full load of clothes or utensils.
  22. Instead of buying new books borrow a book from library and return after reading.
  23. Boil vegetables with minimum water and don’t add up extra water unnecessarily.
  24. Wash vegetables carefully using less water.
  25. Thaw meat and other items by using less water, do not place it under running water for a long time and waste water.
  26. Use electric vehicles instead of petrol or diesel as it adds up to air pollution.
  27. Choose eco friendly cleaning products that are safe for environment instead of chemical-based products.
  28. Use timers with sensors for outdoor lights that would turn on and off when needed. If you reside in apartments then you can share this thought with the society authorities and install sensors in elevators, staircase, lobby, garden area, pathways and so on.
  29. Use laptop instead of desktop computer because laptops consume less electricity and are easy to use.
  30. Whenever painting work is done in your house, do not throw away leftover paint instead donate it to others.
  31. Install flow restrictor device in the faucets of every tap to reduce the flow of water so that water is not wasted.
  32. Use induction-based cooktops instead of cooking on charcoal as it would help in reducing pollution and also cutting of trees for charcoal will be reduced to a great level especially in villages.
  33. Do not tumble try your clothes especially in summers when there is enough sunlight, hang your clothes on a hanger outside instead.

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