
30+ Unique and Inspiring Earth Day Quotes & Slogans

Earth Day is celebrated on 22 April every year to create awareness in people on saving our earth, our planet from things like pollution, deforestation and global warming. Here are unique and inspiring Earth day quotes and slogans for you. Since, we have written these slogans and quotes on Earth day exclusively for you, you may copy paste these and use it to post on social media as your status and stories.

Earth Day Quotes & Slogans
Earth Day Quotes & Slogans

Best Earth Day Quotes:

This planet is not just for you and me but for everyone, taking care of it is our responsibility.

If there was no Earth then there was no You.

Love this Earth like you love your mother!

Mother and earth are same, they both nurture you and care for you.

Green Earth. Clean Earth. Keep it Green. Keep it Clean.

Care for Earth if you care for your children’s future.

A happy Earth is a way to happy life.

It is our duty to look after the Earth.

Save earth and save lives.

Earth Day Quotes & Slogans
Earth Day Quotes & Slogans

Mother earth can provide everything a man needs but not every man’s greed.

Do not always just take but also sometimes give to Earth.

The real wealth of a nation is not in money but in the soil, forests, rivers, lake, rich biodiversity.

A wonderful life is not in keeping everything to yourself but in giving to others and to our planet.

Best Earth Day Slogans:

Earth Day Quotes & Slogans
Earth Day Quotes & Slogans

When you feel lonely you go to a high mountain range to talk to nature and feel peaceful but have you ever thought of your mother nature’s loneliness after you leave this earth?

Give a wonderful gift to mother nature before you bid adieu.

It is a blessing that on this earth only humans have the ability to understand the need to help, if animals, birds, fish, insects knew how to help then they would have left humans behind in giving back to Earth.

If there is life after death then don’t forget that you will come again to this earth after you complete the lessons of this life, you can make your next life better by giving back to Earth in your present life.

When the link between man and nature is broken, despair comes in the way of happiness.

Leave your Ego and help the Eco for a better world.

Earth Day Quotes & Slogans
Earth Day Quotes & Slogans

If you think you are successful only because of your hard work and determination then you are wrong. You are successful also because you had the health to do so, if you don’t show your gratitude to mother earth, you may someday lose health.

If you think that you cannot bring a change in this world by planting a tree then you are a fool.

Conserve water, energy, plant a tree and bring peace in your life.

Who says you need a friend to talk to? You need a tree to talk to and sometimes a tree can give you more than a friend would have given.


Change starts from you, keep your house clean, don’t waste water, energy, spread this word to others and see the difference you make in the world.

You can have a sustainable future when you adapt a sustainable way for the good of this Earth.

Do not celebrate only 22nd April as Earth Day, celebrate everyday as Earth Day.

You can not change past but you can change your present as well as future, create a change today by planting trees, educating others, do what you can do today.

Colour your house green and show others how you celebrate Earth Day.

Vote for your Earth and treat the Earth how you want the Earth to treat you.

Stop pollution and work on a solution, don’t keep your life in confusion without taking the right decision.

The future of your kid is in your hands, if you care for them then care for your mother earth too.

Earth Day Quotes & Slogans
Earth Day Quotes & Slogans
Earth Day Quotes & Slogans
Earth Day Quotes & Slogans

Yesterday was a history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is called present so don’t forget to give your present to mother nature to unlock tomorrow’s mystery.

Hope you liked these Earth day quotes and slogans! Share to spread the love!

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