
11 Tips on Writing a Good Poetry

Poetry is a beautiful form of expression. It is said that a good poetry can heal even the oldest of the wound on someone’s heart or mind. Poetry has powerful to change the world and inspire people in many ways. I personally love writing and reading poems. Though there are no rules of writing a poetry, but a good poetry something that establishes that sense of connection and relatability in the reader. In this post, I am sharing 11 tips on writing a good poetry. These tips will help you take your poetry writing to next level. The below points can help you write a poem by serving as a beginner’s guide.

11 Tips on Writing a Good Poetry
11 Tips on Writing a Good Poetry | img: pexels

11 Tips on Writing a Good Poetry – Tips of Beginners

Read a lot of poems

You can start reading various poems without digging deeper into understanding its meaning or you can analyse the meaning of each verse and immerse yourself into the emotion of each poem.

Listen to live poetry recitations

Many bookstores and coffeehouses have poetry readings, which can be both fun and instructive for ambitious poets. By listening to poetry recitations, you will be able to notice the construction of poem, a well-placed internal rhyme, clever line breaks and more.

Start writing a short poem at first

Start with writing a simple short poem at first as it seems more attainable than investing a lot of time in writing narrative poem. A 7-line poem is more impressive than a long page poem.

Continue writing without any stop

When you start writing poem you might face difficulty in attaining an impressive opening line. Don’t lose hope and quit writing instead, continue writing the poem and later think on the first line.

Use supportive books

Make use of supporting books like thesaurus or a rhyming dictionary to use words that will convey your point correctly.

Include various literary terms

Poetry is improved by the usage of literary devices such as metaphor, allegory, imagery so on and can be used freely in free verse types of poems.

Try telling a story with your poem

If you are creative in writing stories then you can use that skill in writing a ballad form of poem. In this type of poem, the poet tries to narrate a story in a memorable way.

Express your philosophy through your poem

A good poetry deals with the precision of language, you can express a whole philosophy in very few words if you choose them carefully.

Paint with words

In creative writing, painting pictures refers to creating an intense picture of people, objects, and scenes, but the medium to do it is with words.

Familiarize with different forms of poetry

There are many forms of poetry and each form has a different structure and rules to write a poem, it is an added benefit if you understand each form of poem and write accordingly.

Connect with other poets

A supportive community of poets can help you brainstorm ideas, encourage you as a poet and share poetry exercises that may help you write great poetry.

Also read:

What are the Different Types of Poetry?

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