
What’s 2022 Going to be Like?

We are in the last month of 2021 as I write this post, you might read this in December 2021, Jan 2022, Feb or maybe later. We all are aware about the on-going pandemic and predictions have it, that we might have to face the third wave as well. God forbid! Actually, we don’t really know what’s 2022 going to be like! It can be good, it can be bad. So, what should we do?

Sit back and go with the flow?

No! What we can really do is to plan. Plan 2022 so that whatever happens, we don’t have to undergo crisis and hardships. 2022 will be what we intent it to be.

What's 2022 Going to be Like?
What’s 2022 Going to be Like? | img:pexels

What to do to have a safe and secure 2022?

  • Plan your work

This is very important. If you are in a job, and your work-from-home is going on, then you are at a safer place. But if you are a creative professional or a freelancer, you might have to plan your work and have a plan B for yourself. So that if the market/industry shuts, you at least don’t have sleep empty stomach and you are able to pay your bills with ease. My suggestion would be learn stock market trading or crypto. You can also join a group or company as a part-time worker or start something that helps you get passive income.

  • Health is priority

Understand this and accept it. You need to treat your health as your priority. I have seen people often just ignore their health while just focusing on running the rat race to earn money. The biggest lesson that this pandemic taught is that you can only survive if you are health and fit and have a good immunity system. So, just start to spend at least 30 minutes on your health and fitness. No one is asking you to go to the gym and do intense workout, you can do yoga, meditation or simply go out and take a walk. Modify your diet and try to include greens and healthy food in your daily meal.

  • Save your money

Yes, you have to have savings of your own. Start saving your money, maybe open a recurring deposit or a fixed deposit. I like to call these as my ‘rainy day funds’. Touch this rainy day funds of yours at the time of emergency.

I always believe in good planning. You need to sit and think about the all aspects of a situation, good bad or ugly and then make a plan and then make a plan B for your initial plan.

You must be wondering, why so much of planning? Well, only good planning helps us sail through the circumstances. Like we plan our holidays itinerary, we need to plan our regular days and months as well. Agree?

Hope this helps!

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