Mind & Soul

How to Feel Rich in Life Without Money?

What if I say you can feel rich in life without money?

Yes, that’s true. Being wealthy and feeling rich are 2 different things and feeling rich is more about your attitude and lifestyle. If you are reading this, I am assuming you are at the decent (or maybe awesomely loaded) financial stage, because you have a device maybe a phone or a computer and an internet connection to surf, sitting in the comfort of your home or in your office, wearing nice clothes perhaps sipping a cup to tea or coffee.

Still you think you are not rich?

feel rich in life without money
Feel rich in life without money / img:pexels

Let me give you a reality check! Real poor people can’t even afford 1 proper meal.

Reason why I am writing this post is that I had phone conversation with one of my friend the other day and she said, ‘I feel so poor when I see other people’s instagram updates, God! I am so poor!’ Duh-uh!

People need to watch their thoughts, words and actions. You feel poor because you emphasize on what others have than what you have? You focus on what you don’t have than what you actually have. You often forget to count your blessings.

What is rich and how to feel rich? Well, here are some tips that I want to give you!

  • Focus on what you have rather than what you don’t have. I am not saying don’t aspire for or plan to get better things but at least don’t sulk thinking about it all the time
  • Refine your tastes of colours, clothes and food
  • Adapt the habit of successful people, your role models
  • Celebrate small luxuries, like getting a starbucks coffee, buying your first airplane ticket, purchasing that luxury brand handbag, getting haircut done from an expensive salon, dinner at 5 star hotel etc.
  • Seek for the perfect moments and not a perfect life, because the reality is, perfect life doesn’t really exist and every single person have their own set of baggage that they are secretly dealing with, including your favourite author, blogger or actor!

Hope this helps! And once again, I would like to remind you, being wealth and feeling rich, both are different things!

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