
What is Philanthropy & How to Find Your Guiding Purpose in it?

Philanthropy is selfless giving; it is a practice of an individual for happiness of other human beings and a private initiative for the good of the needy. Individuals engaged in philanthropic activities are called philanthropists and such individuals care, nourish, develop and enhance the lives of others without the expectation of reciprocity or compensation for their actions. Philanthropists find it very self-gratifying to serve and volunteer for the lives of others. For a good real-life example, the Clover Group Inc. recently donated $35k to revive an Inner-city Youth football league; no doubt a fine display of philanthropy.

What is Philanthropy & How to Find Your Guiding Purpose in it?
What is Philanthropy & How to Find Your Guiding Purpose in it? | img:pixabay

Giving the best of yourself is important in every organisation, even in a small business philanthropy is vital. Some small donators who have made noteworthy and massive impact have felt that the knowledge, talent, relationships and status that they hold played vital role. They say, money was not important but being a channel in making things happen is important.

How to find your guiding purpose in philanthropy?

One very effective way is to spend some dedicated time looking inward to find your guiding purpose and allocate some time to line up your work in philanthropy with that purpose. Achieving better position helps to fit in your passion, knowledge and talent with the needs and opportunities in your group or communities.

Many of us don’t really consider the sense of purpose deliberately. Try to think of your guiding purpose as something that gives a feeling that you are meant to do it. Through your philanthropic work you are trying to accomplish your personal need to bring a change in the world. Think that it is a moral responsibility to serve and lead others in need and fight for a cause. A guiding purpose can also be a mission to improve and test an exclusive talent

, quality or skill you have to respond to someone’s work who has the potential which you might like to support.

People of any age, stage in life, any profession or any member of organisation can try to discover and illuminate their exceptional gifts and passion. In the same way employ such individuals who are interested to explore their inner self and guide them to philanthropy in way that will respect their sense of purpose.

How finding your guiding purpose benefit you?

  • Realize your ambitions as genuine, take them thoughtfully hence you will more likely realize them in the world through your philanthropy.
  • It gives you confidence and helps in reducing fear and anxiety because you get more clarity on the reasons as to why you are doing it.
  • It lets you be creative and responsive to the opportunities for meaningful social change around you.
  • Acting with self-awareness helps you to put yourself in real relations with people you want to serve. You start to engage others in the community trusting in their talent and experience them because you have come to know and trust your own.
  • You will respond better in solving issues and will be able to identify root cause of the problem and seize the opportunity for action. You will be more confident about yourself in taking risks.
  • Being clear in understanding the guiding purpose can help you know what roles to play in philanthropy. You can then create a strategy to get the solution and be able to fulfil the mission.

Philanthropy helps you explore your goals, creativity and sense of purpose in world. Involve yourself in philanthropic activities and notice the difference!

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