
What are the Different Types of Poetry?

Writing a poem is very challenging, there are lot of poetry types and understanding it before writing is helpful. I usually prefer writing spoken word poetry aka free-verse. You will be surprised to know that there are 12 types of poetry. Let us now discuss the different of poetry:

What are the Different Types of Poetry?
What are the Different Types of Poetry?


Limerick is a form of humorous poems, known best for their often impolite or appalling punchlines. The reason in writing such type of poem is to make it funny and memorable.


Haiku is a three-line poetic form originating in Japan, the first line has five syllables, the second line has seven syllables, and the third line has five syllables. Haiku poems are about the poet’s geographical and seasonal placement, paying tribute to the landscape.


Sonnet is a form of lyric poem that consists of 14 lines which usually have one or more conventional rhyme schemes. This poetry form is typically written to express a ‘forbidden love’.


Ballad is a narrative style of poetry that narrates a story in a memorable way. It follows a pattern of rhymed quatrains.


Ode is a type of poem that addresses a specific person, thing, or event. This form of poem is believed to be originated from Greek. Ode poem consists of lyrical stanzas.

Free Verse / Spoken word

As the name suggests this form of poetry has no rules like other poems. Poets use this type of poems in rhyme schemes or without rhyme schemes. Free Verse poem lacks a steady metrical outline or musical form.

Concrete Poem

Concrete poetry, or form poetry, or visual poetry is composed to form a specific picture or outline on a page that improves the poem’s significance. Poets can manipulate spacing or layout to emphasize a theme or important element in the poem or sometimes they can take the exact shape of their subjects.


An epigram is a short poetic form that can vary from two to four lines long. They’re witty, and often ironic, and also have a sudden, humorous end.


An elegy is a form of poem that replicates a loss or death. It comprises theme of misery, loss, and manifestation. It may also explore topics of salvation and consolation.

Ekphrastic Poem

Ekphrastic poems are descriptive in nature and speak of another work of art. Ekphrasis poems intensely describes a painting, statue, photograph, or story.


Villanelle is highly structured style of poem with a strict form. Villanelle is usually based around the theme commemorating life in the countryside. Modern poets use this form to portray the theme from celebration to sadness, and from love to loss.


The epitaph is similar to the elegy, just that it is shorter. You may find this type of poem on a gravestone, though it does not need to. It is short, and it pays tribute to someone that has passed away or commemorates any other loss.

Now when you pick a poetry book or read a poem, you will know it’s kind. Same goes for the aspiring poets.

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