
Special Dates That You Always Remember

Despite the fact that most of the people (like ME) are pathetic in remembering dates, there are some specialdates that you never forget.

It’s not magic. It’s just that those dates are special… and even if you try to forget them, you fail. It’s natural!

Special Dates That You Always Remember

Special Dates That You Always Remember
Special Dates That You Always Remember | image: pexels

Today is one such date. 27th! I can never ever forget this date and it is something I never want to forget. I lived a dream day today. I was free and I was happy.

It’s rare to live a day when you neither have to worry about work, or time, or money or anything stuff in the whole world. Past many months have been very tiring for me and even though, I tried to take a break from my busy routine, I used to get work related calls or stuff that would not let me completely enjoy my escape.

Finally a day came, that I lived to the fullest. It was a day of Ganpati Virsarjan in Mumbai, 27th Sept 2015.

I never felt this way before. Since then, I am feeling re-energized, more confident and lively.

All I want to say is, Ganpati Bappa Morya!

Special Dates That You Always Remember Quotes

  • “Special dates are like emotional bookmarks in the story of our lives, reminding us of the chapters that shaped our journey.”
  • “The calendar may change, but the significance of certain dates remains etched in the heart, forever illuminating our memories.”
  • “In the tapestry of time, some dates are the vibrant threads that weave the fabric of our most cherished moments.”
  • “Special dates are like constellations in the sky of our memories, each one a bright star guiding us through the night of life.”
  • “Time may flow relentlessly, but on those special dates, we pause to celebrate the timeless moments that define our existence.”

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