
Save Money Without Being A Miser

Save Money Without Being A Miser
Save Money Without Being A Miser

Save Money Without Being A Miser

Money plays a major role in life and you need to be very wise while dealing with it. You might have tried all the possible ways to save money but would have failed miserably. Most people try to save money by turning into a miser. That’s so not required! So what to do?

Here are 4 easy peasy ways to save money without turning into a miser:

Money goals:

You need to set money objective as well. Make a list of things that you would want to do with certain amount of money. Make sure that you set a budget and tackle your expenses as well as savings. This is one way to save money.

Channelize your savings:

Once you have started saving money, don’t keep it with yourself as you would be tempted to spend it. Open a savings bank account and credit your account. You  can also opt for FDs as they would help you to get a huge chunk of money once the tenure is over.

Check money fitfall:

If you are spending money on things that you love, it is acceptable.But, so not crib at the end of the month that you couldn’t save a single penny and you  still have a pending list of expenses.  Find out where are you spending your money? Are you spending on your phone bills or are you spending on your lunches and drinks or is it your books that eats your money? Find it out!

Use online services:

These days there are many firms that offers discounts. You can use online services to find out the cheaper deals and purchase the coupons. Even a small saving counts, isn’t it?

Thus, follow these effective tips on daily basis  and save money on monthly basis. You will see a lot of difference at the end of month.

image source – tumblr

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