Mind & Soul

15+ Easy-to-Follow & Important FENG SHUI Tips for HOME

The word ‘Feng Shui’ literally means ‘wind-water’. This is a Chinese geomancy (more like Chinese Vastu Shastra) that helps us align the energies around us, create harmony and improve the various aspects of life. I am firm believer of Vastu as well as Feng Shui.

And you know what, maybe you too have some Feng Shui products at your home kept as a show-piece but you are unaware about it. Most of our houses have common Feng Shui products like laughing Buddha idol, tortoise, lucky bamboo, wind chime, crystal lotus etc.

Most of you might be feeling shocked right now, like whaaat? These are feng shui items?

But yes, these are!

And it is great that you have these in your house. It attracts the respective positive energies, which is good.

Important FENG SHUI Tips for HOME
Important FENG SHUI Tips for HOME | image: pexels

Now in this post, I am sharing some really easy-to-follow yet important Feng shui tips for home that I have been following and trust me, it works wonders. So, get ready to make some shifts and changes to your house in order to attract positive vibes only!

Easy-to-Follow & Important FENG SHUI Tips for HOME

  1. Put a lamp in the corner of your living room to attract and activate positive energies. Light the lamp in the evening for at least 2 hours
  2. Do not block any door with any furniture; blocking or covering any door with furniture blocks the flow of energies in the house
  3. The hall represents opportunities, so make sure it is clutter free and clean always
  4. In your kitchen, never keep your gas stove next to the sink as it mixes the fire and water energies resulting in arguments and disagreements within the house members
  5. Hang a wind chime in your main window or balcony door to attract positive vibes
  6. Make sure to keep the corners of the clean. Use an agarbatti or kapoor diya or sage to smudge and smoke-out the negative and stuck energies
  7. Check your taps and fix if there is any leakage. Leaking water is a increases the expenses
  8. Keep some fresh flowers in your rooms, especially living and dining rooms to increase the Chi energy which is also known as the life energy
  9. Use a Himalayan salt lamp or an essential oil diffuser to keep the environment of the house positive and calm
  10. Play music in the background for sometime. You can play soft music, instrumentals, subliminals, bhajans, or any music of your choice. The vibrations created by music reduces discomfort and increases the positive vibrations making the energy flow smoothly
  11. Do not keep broken photo frame, broken utensils and broken clocks. All of this attract negative and low vibes.
  12. If you door, especially the main door is squeaking, fix it immediately. Squeaking sounds is similar to the sound of a cry or pain, I’m sure you don’t want to attract that in your house
  13. Water your plants everyday
  14. Place an evil eye product in your drawing or living room, especially where guests come and sit
  15. Scented candles bring in positive energies, elevates mood and increases creativity; be sure to lit candles in your study room and office corner of your house
  16. Remove clutter near your entrance as this will allow positive energy to enter your house with ease
  17. If your room has a window, be sure to open it for at least an hour every day so that fresh air and sunlight can enter the house. This purifies the environment
  18. Avoid having tables or any other furniture with pointed corners

So, these were some of the easiest feng shui tips for home that you can follow in order to attract good vibes only. If you like it, please share it to spread the wisdom and amplify the reach of this knowledge.

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