
Prioritize Your To-do List Without Getting Headache

Prioritize Your To-do List Without Getting Headache

There are lot of things that needs to be finished but accomplishing all of them is not possible. It is better to make a to-do list and prioritize them. Here are some tips to help you out:

Prioritize Your To-do List Without Getting Headache
Prioritize Your To-do List Without Getting Headache

Write down only what needs to be done:

Pen down all the things that needs to be finished. Also, mention the deadlines within which the task needs to be completed. Let the important things be at the top.

Differentiate between urgent and important:

Not all things are urgent and not all the things are important. You can leave the important things for urgent work. For example, if you have to submit an article to get it published the next morning, you need to finish it by the night.

Club similar tasks together:

You need to work smart and not hard. If there are tasks that can be finished at a single shot, try doing it rather than switching between the tabs. For example: If you need to reply to 5 emails, try doing it when you are logged-in rather than replying to one mail and keeping the remaining 4 in the pending list.

Apply Pomodoro Technique:

Heard of it? If you are amongst those who love taking breaks frequently, you must try Pomodoro technique. You can schedule your work for 30 minutes and treat yourself with a break of 5 minutes and the entire cycle follows this way.

Estimate your time:

You need to manage your time. Assign time for each task that you would want to finish. Keep some buffer time so that you aren’t in a hurry to finish the work.

Thus, never compromise on your work and learn to balance it. You will soon find that there isn’t any pending work to be finished.

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