
Little Things That Your Date Notices In Your Apartment

Little Things That Your Date Notices In Your Apartment

If you live in an apartment and have invited your date at your place, there are certain things that must be taken care of. Yes, dates do observe places and that also reflects your personality. Here are things that your date notices in your apartment:

Little Things That Your Date Notices In Your Apartment
Little Things That Your Date Notices In Your Apartment | image: pinterest


No, you do not have to keep your house as a museum. But, you definitely need to keep it clean. Your date might want to use the bathroom. Ensure that it is clean and doesn’t smell. Do not throw your laundry all over your place. Let the sink be free from the dishes or else it will stink. Let your bed not be messy.


Yes, books talk about your personality. Are the books organized or are they left scattered? Do they have a magazine holder? Is there a book shelf? All these things will be noticed by your date. That doesn’t mean if you aren’t a reader, you are bad. But surely, it means how well organized your lifestyle is and books/magazines will speak much about your personality.

Suspicious smell:

If there is a pet in the house, does it smell? Is the pet friendly or troubles you constantly the moment you are at the apartment.  You can also let your girl know about the pet before she comes as she may or may not be comfortable.

What’s in refrigerator:

Human beings are curious soul and they want to know everything that is taking place in the next building. Your date might be very curious  to know about the contents of the refrigerator. The choice of your food, the stale food, the cooked food and so on. Let your fridge be clean and odor free.

Let your apartment be clean before she or he visits it. Do share your experience with us and let us know about your apartment dates.

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