
How To Sleep Your Way To The Top? Ft. Arianna’s New Book

How To Sleep Your Way To The Top? Ft. Arianna’s New Book

Did you really think you can find a superior who would advise having naps during the working day? It is to be highly noted that for many good reasons, Arianna Huffington who is the cofounder and editor in chief of The Huffington Post is actually that businesswoman. In the year 2007, Arianna actually experienced a serious wake-up call: she in a literal sense broke a cheekbone when she suddenly fell asleep at her desk being overworked and mainly because of lack of sleep. This particular moment largely inspired a total rethinking of her much priorities plus the proper understanding that being begins successful with fundamentals, such as sleep.

How To Sleep Your Way To The Top? Ft. Arianna's New Book
How To Sleep Your Way To The Top? Ft. Arianna’s New Book | image:tumblr

In Arianna’s new book that is titled as The Sleep Revolution: Transforming Your Life One Night at a Time, she has written it out of her passion for Zzz’s and her personal research in the science of sleep at large.  In a recent interview, she has cited sleep as the high precedence.  She strongly believes that a 20 minutes nap during the working day can really energize and revitalize your body and mind with a lot of perfection.  The employees can rightly concentrate on proper work after a brief nap in a successful manner. A person who works without a nap usually becomes weak by the end of the day. The same person may not be able to give proper attention to work on the next day or following days in his professional life.

A person who takes a proper nap during the working day can perfectly deal with his or her personal and professional life in a balanced aspect.  She or he will be very active for the rest of the day to gives his or her best in life with a lot of perfection. A good nap is really important for each and every working person.

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