
Fun Halloween Party Games for Kids & Adults

Halloween is just around the corner and since you are reading this, I presume that you are looking for some fun Halloween party games for kids as well as adults. Fret no more! This post has all the fun Halloween games suitable for all age groups!

Fun Halloween Party Games for Kids & AdultsFun Halloween Party Games for Kids & Adults
Fun Halloween Party Games for Kids & Adults | img:pexels

Halloween Party Games for Kids

1. Find the hidden pumpkin / jack-o-lantern

You can hide the pumpkin or the jack-o-lantern in your house or in the backyard and ask the kids to find it. The one who finds it gets a treat.

2. Freeze the Monster Dance Game

Kids need to dance like a monster or a zombie and when the music is turn-off they need to freeze. The one who moves is out. Last kid to survive wins.

3. Halloween dress-up

Ask the kids to bring their Halloween costumes at your place. Set the timer and play dress-up. The first kid to dress-up wins.

4. Draw a scary face

Kids love this one. Give them paper and colours and ask them to draw scary faces. You can also help them cut it to make a Halloween mask.

5. Halloween special Chinese whisper

Here, kids need to whisper a scary phrase in the ear, one by one just like in the game Chinese whisper. The twist is, a scary phrase and yes, they need to speak like a ghost.

Halloween Party Games for Adults

1. Guess the movie

Play dumb-charades only with horror movies!

2. Solve the riddle

Create cards with some riddles related to famous ghosts like frankenstien, dracula etc. Divide the people into teams. Play like dumb-charades, only now they can speak the riddles and their team has to guess which ghost it is.

3. Halloween special Chinese whisper

Just like kids, even adults can play this game!

4. Truth and dare

This is one of the most loved party games, and giving it a halloween scary twist with all questions and dares around halloween, makes it even more fun.

5. Guess who is the ghost

This is super fun and I love to play it personally. Switch-off the lights, one person will make a strange scary noise, now switch-on the lights. Even one has to guess who. There are no rules for this game so you can make yours!

Hope you liked the Halloween games I shared here!

Also read:

Halloween History: Why is Halloween Celebrated?

Best Halloween Costumes for Kids & Adults on Amazon

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