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Earth Day Special: How Can We Save Our Earth?

With changing weather patterns and rising sea level it has become important to take necessary actions to save our planet Earth from damage.  We need to spread awareness about ways on saving our only home, our planet Earth. Let us discuss some common ways how we all can create changes in saving our planet earth.

Earth Day Quotes & Slogans
Best Ways to Save Earth

Ways to Save Earth:

Conserve Water

Though 70% of earth is covered with water only 0.4% water can be used to drink by 7.9 billion people on earth. Many developing countries have shortage of water and some people living in such countries have to walk miles to get drinkable water. Conserving water has become one of the most important aspects in attaining sustainable future. Without water there is no life on earth.

Plant trees

Trees cleanses the air we breathe by absorbing required amount of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Trees also absorb pollutants and gases like nitrogen oxide, ozone and carbon monoxide. Without trees there would be no forests and animals will have no place to live. All of us must plant as much trees as possible to save our planet and cutting of trees for fuel and other purposes should be stopped completely.

Give up plastics

Avoid using plastic as it takes 1000+ years to decompose and is used by people in large quantities. Avoid using single use plastics and plastic bags when we buy products. Try to replace plastic items at your home with metal ones and come up with creative ideas to substitute plastic in every field.

Spread environmental awareness

Spreading environmental awareness among people is very important because if we all start saving the earth by taking measures from home then we can lead a better life in future. Writing articles, creating videos and posting it on social media can make a lot of difference in life of others. One has to learn and become fully committed in achieving goals to attain a sustainable future. A small step taken by everyone can make a huge impact.

Reduce Pollution

The car you drive, the household and personal care products you buy, the chemicals and equipment you use to keep your lawn and garden in shape all contribute to water and air pollution. The car you use to go to work every day contributes to air pollution, hence, use public transport as much as possible. Maintain your car and keep a check on it for repairs and take necessary action as and when required.

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