
Be Rich In Your Twenties, Oh Yes!

Be Rich In Your Twenties, Oh Yes!

Who wouldn’t want to be rich? Money is a crucial factor to live a healthy life. If you are in your twenties, here are few tips to assist you:

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Be Rich In Your Twenties, Oh Yes!

Think yourself that you are poor and you would think twice before spending. When you receive your paychecks, save few amount in your bank account. You can also keep it as fixed deposit.

Follow the no lunch rule. No you don’t have to starve yourself. All you can do is go for a lower meal or change your diet everyday. Avoid spending on expensive food menu. Do not eat in expensive restaurants.

A beauty parlor is a monthly affair. You can cut down on your parlor expenses. Instead of booking your parlor slot, you can try out doing it at home. You can scrub at home, carry out waxing, manicure, pedicure and other monthly regime that is must for you.

You must also take a check on your alcohol consumption. Instead of going to a pub, you can purchase and get it at home. Also, you can reduce your alcohol consumption.

Impulse shopping is one way where money goes off quickly. You need to control your impulse purchase. Next time, when you see something that urges you, turn your face there and walk straight. Deviate your thought from there.

If your employer is helping you out for your retirement plans or with a job, do grab the opportunity.

Have a tiny closet which will ensure that you do not have place  for new clothes. This will discourage you from purchasing new clothes as well save money. You must also stay away from sales and discounts as they are very luring.

Do share your feedback with us and let us know your ideas to save money in twenties.

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