
7 Dining Etiquette To Follow For Fancy Restaurants

7 Dining Etiquette To Follow For Fancy Restaurants

In my previous post, I shared 7 important table manners tips. It’s time now that you must know the basic dining etiquette to follow for fancy restaurants. It is not et all easy to leave a perfect impression in first meeting, because to err is to human. But surely we can try to put our best foot forward.

7 Dining Etiquette To Follow For Fancy Restaurants
7 Dining Etiquette To Follow For Fancy Restaurants | image:tumblr

So here are 7 dining etiquette to follow for fancy restaurants:


If you are waiting for somebody to arrive, do not occupy the table or the entrance of the restaurant. The best way is to wait at the bar or at the lobby so that you do not block the other customers.


You need to treat the waiter and waitress in a polite manner. If they bring you the wrong order or are taking time, do not yell at them. Remember, they aren’t your personal servants. They must be treated with dignity.

Restaurant reservations:

If you have any plan change and have a reservation, be courteous enough to call them up and cancel your reservation. If you are late, you can still call them and say that you will visit the restaurant but will be late.


The moment you occupy the chair, the next thing that you must do is remove the napkin and place in your lap.  Place the napkin on the left side of the plate when you are done dining.

When to eat:

If it is large gathering, wait everybody to arrive and be seated on the chair. Let the host start first. Do not be in a hurry to finish the food and leave the restaurant.


We can talk while dining but talking with full mouth is considered bad. Eat slowly and chew your food. Do not make noises while eating food.  Cut the food as and when you are going to take the bite.

Excuse yourself:

If you need to use the restroom or need to blow your nose, say excuse and leave rather than leave the table without informing anyone.

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