
7 Awesome Personality Traits Of A Great Leader

7 Awesome Personality Traits Of A Great Leader

It is rightly said that Leaders created and not always born. You need to possess certain leadership qualities to have followers. Here are some of the leadership traits that you must develop in yourself:

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7 Awesome Personality Traits Of A Great Leader image:tumblr

Be strong but not impolite:

You can be powerful but do not be rude to people.

Be kind but not weak:

A leader must be strong enough to take the charge of the entire team. Be kind to people, but, do not be weak.

Be bold but do not be a bully:

You need to be bold to create an influence. You need to take initiative and do things for the betterment of your followers. But, bullying is a strict no.

Be humble and not timid:

Be humble to people as you need to understand them better. Humility is a virtue. At the same time, do not allow people to take your granted.

Be proud, but not arrogant:

You might have achieved greater heights in life and be proud of it. You would have worked hard to build the empire. But, you do not have to be arrogant just because you are a leader. Treat people equally and do not disrespect them at any time.

Develop humor without folly:

Be witty but not silly. You can add humor to your conversation, but do not insult others. Play pranks, but do not hurt others.

Be practical:

You cannot take hasty decisions, neither can you live with assumptions. You need to be an effective communicator apart from being practical. You must also have the courage to face the truth. There are times when you have to take a strong decision, do not be emotional and take a wrong decision. You will have to prove your worth.

You need to maintain your leadership qualities and hone the skills.

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