
4 Wonderful People & Their Resolutions That Leave You Inspired

We often take resolutions but mostly it’s either for weight loss or quitting any bad habit. Perhaps, people miss thinking about taking a resolution that helps environment. Last night, I was surfing through the videos on youtube and found a video what really left me inspired. It’s an initiative by 100 Pipers in which they show us the real resolutions that has a larger effect on our environment and the society.

4 Wonderful People & Their Resolutions That Leave You Inspired
4 Wonderful People & Their Resolutions That Leave You Inspired

This video talks about 4 wonderful people and their resolutions.

1) Only veg diet:

Rohit Bahl took the resolution of going vegetarian. It not just reduces risk of cancer and diabetes but it saves 328858 lts. water.

2) Cycle to work:

Karthik K Narayanan took the resolution of cycling to work. It not just helps in building muscles and increasing life expectancy, but it also lowers the carbon footprints by 50%.

3) Creating vegetable garden:

Sakshi Sharma makes a personal playground which recharges groundwater and improves air quality.


This is the best and sweetest resolution so far. Aradhana seth made the resolution to greet everyone with a smile. It reduces stress, benefits heart health and makes the world a happier place.

Have a look yourself!

I really got inspired from this video and decided to remain vegetarian for my entire life. I also saw some more videos from The Good You Can initiative which are equally inspiring. There is one video which made me realize how important it is to turn off the vehicle’s engine during the signal when it’s red. You can check it out and more #TheGoodYouCan videos HERE for endless inspiration to help our environment and make world a better place!

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