
3 Simple Habits For Daily Mindfulness

3 Simple Habits For Daily Mindfulness

Gautam Buddha once said that there is no point in dwelling in the past nor dreaming about the future, it is best to concentrate on the future. There are certain basic rules of living a healthy life. The minute you start overthinking you lose your moments and coolness in life.

Here are 3 simple habits for daily mindfulness:
Be ineffective:

Most of the time you would have heard people telling you to be effective. But if you keep thinking about life and the decisions, your mind is always occupied and you will not be at peace. Do not try to control all the things in life. Sometimes you need to be patient with yourself as well as life. Good things will happen.
Slow down:

Do not be in a hurry to achieve success or reach to your goals. When you start your day, be slow. Do things that you enjoy and can be carried out slowly. Calmness has a lot of impact on your entire day. And if you set your mood right in the morning you will not be in anger or worryful mood.
Tell yourself: Now I am:

You must constantly remind yourself who you are. You can play different roles and may be repeat each time who you are. Let’s say you are going for a long drive to see the rising sun with your naked eyes. Say, “I am Nature, I am the brightness, I am universe.”

Thus, thoughts play a major role on your mindset. The day you are able to master your thoughts your life will automatically be under control. You will be more alive and living life to the fullest.

Try these simple habits and let us know if it worked for you.

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