
15 Minute Morning Routine That Actually Changed My Life

15 Minute Morning Routine That Actually Changed My Life

Mornings are very crucial and they can make or break your day. You must follow certain morning time regime that can help you to achieve success. Here is the 15 minute morning routine that actually changed my life. I strongly suggest you to take few cents from this one.

15 Minute Morning Routine That Actually Changed My Life
15 Minute Morning Routine That Actually Changed My Life | image:tumblr

A sense of gratitude:

You must be thankful for the best things that has happened in your life so far. Be it your family friends or professional life, be grateful to the good people that are a part of your life. Spend few minutes of gratitude to the most beautiful things in life.

Write freely:

Don’t think too much and start writing freely. You can write about anything, It could be stupid or crazy or anything that you have always wanted to write. Do not judge yourself. Being creative early in the morning is a great way to begin with.

Come up with ideas:

If you want to exercise your creative muscles, start thinking. You can think about side business, a creative blog, a workshop, a training session and so on. If you are able to generate 10 ideas per day, you are sure to be an idea machine in a tenure of 6 months.

Read Books:

Reading books can boost your day. You can either read motivational books, spiritual books or any genre that interests you. Reading sharpens your mind and increases your thought process. If you haven’t’ given a thought about it, try out a book and you so gonna love it.

If you really want to transform your life, spare fifteen minutes on yourself every morning and plan up for the day, Think about your life goals and things that you want to achieve. Make it as a habit and success will surely follow you.

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