
11 Things You’ll Regret Every Time After Doing

We often do certain things that makes us regret later on. Here, I am not talking about the huge life-mistakes, but certain silly things that we do. So, I am sharing some silly things you will regret every time after doing it. Read on to know what these things are and take a mental note, so that if you haven’t done any of these, then DO NOT DO IT in future and stay cautious!

11 Things You’ll Regret Every Time After Doing

11 Things You’ll Regret Every Time After Doing:

  • Sending a text or an email when you are angry

Never do this! Often we regret what we say in anger; and it ruins the relationship. Not just personal, but also in professional life, never ever send a text or an email when you are angry

  • Drunk dialing

Drunk driving and drunk dialing, both are dangerous; especially when you drunk dial your ex or your boss. Never do that!

  • Drunk social media updates

I have experienced this personally. A friend got drunk and make a dancing video of herself, she then put it on social media thinking she looks so cool doing the signature step of an actor, only to realize how shameful it was for her to read the comments and answer her family’s questions. Till the time she saw it, it had already got over 500 views and 80 comments. It’s very embarrassing and might cause you trouble.

  • Cheating on your partner

Never compromise loyalty for a momentary attraction, it will only ruin your relationship and leave you with regrets.

  • Not doing the work until it’s the deadline

Well, this is a bit serious one. We often can’t calculate how much time a certain task will take and we leave it for the deadline thinking, baad me karlenge; but when the deadline is on head, we don’t know how to do it because we have less time and work is more. Better to complete the work on time and not wait till the deadline is here.

  • Yelling at kids

Kids are innocent and they often do things out of innocence, yelling at them with anger and saying bad things will only make you feel bad and later on, you will regret. Instead, try to make the kid understand his or her mistake or simply avoid it.

  • Passing on a secret

This is really bad. You should control your gossip-worms. If someone is telling you a secret, keep it, instead of passing on. It will make you feel satisfied for a moment and calm you down, but after some time you will regret as the person who told you the secret still trusts you like anything. Never break anyone’s trust!

  • Lying to true friend

A lie can ruin friendships. Better to stay truthful instead of telling lies and regretting it. You will also live in fear, what if your friend comes to know about this lie.. that might be the end of your friendship. So, stay cautious about this! Either don’t tell, or tell the truth!

  • Not buying something you really love even if you had money and leaving it for next time

Because most of the times, that thing is gone making you regret why you didn’t buy it at first place especially when you had money to buy it.

  • Saying ‘No’ to an opportunity just because you were scared

Once I said No to parasailing on water in Goa just because I was scared, now I regret and I have decided the next time I get a chance, I will go for it. Though I have done parasailing on land, but I was scared for water one. So, face your fears kyuki darr k aagey jeet hai.

  • Bargaining with a really poor vendor or rickshaw-wala

but spending thousands on a good luxury. This really makes one feels regretful, after all, poor vendors like sabzi-wala, fruits-wala, balloon-wala, etc. sell things to earn their basic bread and butter. For you, 10rs won’t really be a big deal but for them it is. Never bargain with them, else you will regret it because you might not be able to meet them again and help them.

This article idea came out of the blue and I really feel you agree with me on this. Share it to spread the wisdom!

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