Wise Words

1 Minute Reading: Let There Be A Room For Every Feeling

Imagine a big house with lots of rooms. Each room is for a different feeling. There’s a room for happiness, where laughter fills the air. There’s a room for sadness, where tears can flow freely. There’s a room for anger, where you can stomp and shout. And there’s a room for calmness, where you can find peace.

It’s important to have a room for every feeling because feelings are a big part of who we are. Sometimes we feel happy, sometimes sad, and sometimes angry. It’s okay to feel all these things because they’re normal and human.

When we have a room for every feeling, we can express ourselves better. We can talk about how we feel or just spend time alone in our rooms, feeling whatever we need to feel. And when we’re ready, we can come out of our rooms and share our feelings with others.

So let’s make sure there’s always a room for every feeling in our big house of emotions. That way, we can embrace all our feelings and live a more balanced and fulfilling life.

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