
7 Must Follow Skin Care Habits Before Bedtime

You must have applied tons and tons of chemicals (oh.. I mean makeup) to look pretty, but you need to get rid of them before you retire for the day. It is important. Not just for girls, but for boys too! As boys too apply creams and lotions. So, here are 7 Must Follow Skin Care Habits Before Bedtime:

7 Must Follow Skin Care Habits Before Bedtime
7 Must Follow Skin Care Habits Before Bedtime | image:howcast

Remove makeup:

Remove all the makeup that you have applied on your face. Use a makeup remover to get rid of it.

Apply hand cream:

Wash your hands with warm water. Pat them dry and use hand lotion that will keep the skin moisturized.


You need to balance your pH level of the skin. What better way than a toner? Apply toner on your face and neck area and leave it overnight. I prefer cosmetics by Skintes although you can pick any of your choice.

Eye cream:

Your eyes needs immense care as they carry your age. Apply a branded eye cream and leave it overnight. You can start from inner side to the outward side of the eyes. Massage the cream for few minutes and leave it.

Tie your hair:

Yes, it is better to tie the hair as leaving it loose will tangle it. Also the dirt and oil from hair will not pass on to your face if you tie your hair. Use a soft band to tie your hair.

Petroleum jelly:

You cannot ignore your feet. Wash them with warm water and apply petroleum jelly on it. You can cover it with socks for better results. Petroleum jelly prevents skin from drying and keeps the skin moisturized.

Brush your teeth:

This beauty regime cannot be ignored at any cost. Brush your teeth before you sleep so that is free from bacteria and bad odor. You can also floss your teeth and rinse it with warm water for better results.

Follow these simple tips to retain your beauty and be the best YOU! Do share your tips with us as well.

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