Mind & Soul - Wise Words

It is OK to Cry – Crying is NOT a Sign of Weakness

People feel embarrassed in crying. They feel that only weak cry. It is wrong. Crying is not a sign of a weak person. Crying means you can’t take it anymore. Crying means you tried but failed. Crying means you need to vent out because your soul needs a relief. Crying means it hurts you. Crying means you are human.

It is absolutely OKAY TO CRY. Don’t let others, who don’t even know what you have been through, make you feel bad about your own feelings.

Every human has a different capacity of taking things in. Every person has a different perspective and threshold for bearing the pain and the situation. It is perfectly normal to cry.

Some people cry at movies. Others laugh on them! This is wrong. If a person is crying while watching a movie, this is a sign that that person is full of emotions and even if he or she knows that it is all not real and those are actors acting on screen, still tears roll-off their eyes because they are empathetic. They feel the words. They can relate to that on-screen pain somewhere.

Also, there are many health benefits of crying. When a person cries, they release the pain in their mind and soul giving them mental peace. And people who are at mental peace have a good mental health.

But yes, you need to make sure that you don’t cry in front of anyone and everyone because some people might feel happy about you getting hurt while for some, it is just a fun-session.

If you really want to cry and let go, either cry in front of your dearest friend or someone who is close to you and understand you OR cry alone.

You can also cry while writing your feeling in a diary and then tear the paper-off afterwards to release the pain and let go.

Please share this post as much as you can because some people don’t really express themselves and feel bad about they crying often which effects one’s mental health very badly, ultimately leading to depression.

Hope you will agree to me and share this one!

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It is OK to Cry - Crying is NOT a Sign of Weakness
It is OK to Cry – Crying is NOT a Sign of Weakness

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