Mind & Soul

What are AFFIRMATIONS & how to USE it? + Daily Powerful Affirmations

Wondering what are affirmations?

Affirmations are positive sentences that help you practice positive thinking and self-empowerment in order to manifest your dreams and desires. There is a belief that a positive mental attitude supported by affirmations will achieve success in anything.

In layman language, affirmations are a set of words that states that THIS particular thing is true.

You affirm it!

For example, I am a money magnet. I am beautiful. I am successful. I am happy.

What are AFFIRMATIONS & how to USE it? + Daily Powerful Affirmations
What are AFFIRMATIONS & how to USE it? + Daily Powerful Affirmations

All these lines are affirmations.

This is reason why it is said that you need to watch your words, because subconsciously, you are shaping up your world by speaking and repeating what you say.

I am a firm believer of affirmations and I have been practising it more than 12 years now. Yep! That’s write, more than 12 years now.

In fact, this IS my favourite way of focusing on the positive and manifesting desires.

Affirmations do work like MAGIC, especially in improving your life situation, manifesting money, manifesting love, that car, that house, that trip, perfect body and everything.

We need to understand that words ARE magic and so powerful that it can change one’s destiny. There is a reason why it is called ‘spelling’, because words have energy to cast spell and shape our life. This is why, it is said that one needs to watch your words before speaking.


Our brain functions 24×7. There are 3 levels of brains – conscious, subconscious and unconscious mind. Whatever our life is, it is a result of these levels only. In simple words, our words and thoughts become our life. On whatever we focus, it becomes real – conscious or subconsciously. We will get into this in another post, but for now, just know that when we repeatedly repeat anything with focus, confidence and faith, it ultimately becomes true.

Enters affirmations!

Obviously, you don’t want to manifest anything negative in your life! Do you? No!

Therefore, you must use positive affirmations to train your brain and manifest your desires.


There are many ways to use affirmations such as reading, writing (my favourite), chanting, saying, whispering, listening, using it to energise things, making energy circles and vision boards.

I personal favourite is writing affirmations.

and trust me, it works!

I have been doing this since more than 12 years now. Yes, I know I have already told you this but I love to say this again and again because it is such a positive feeling. And it also makes me happier to share this knowledge with you after such a long time.

So, how do we write affirmations?

Well, simply take a copy/diary/journal/paper and a pen of your choice. Any colour pen is good although I prefer green pen. Otherwise blue is also good, but avoid using black.

Sit and relax and focus on what you want. Be as specific as you can!

For example, if you want to manifest $1000 then your affirmation should be ‘I have $1000’ or ‘I am attracting $1000 now’ or ‘I get $1000 everyday’.

Make sure that:

  • it is a positive sentence
  • in present tense (i have, i receive, i get, i am…)
  • you believe 100% in it

Belief is very important. The moment you start to doubt and think, ‘Ohh, how is that possible’, ‘how will I get it?’, ‘do i really deserve this?’ and anything like that, your manifestation will get delayed.

Doubt, fear, restlessness, anger and all the negative feelings and vibes create resistance resulting in delay of your manifestation.

Writing is my favourite way and I maintain a journal for the same. Although, I do listen, chant and use affirmations in all the possible ways when trying to manifest anything specific. Everything works well, it is all how much you believe in it.

If you want to improve your life and start practising affirmations then here are some common daily life affirmations to start with. Every day, write, read or listen these to feel that required positive shift in your life.

Everyday Powerful Affirmations:


I am happy

I am joyful

I am abundance

I am healthy

I live a good life

I love my life

I love my work

I grow every day

I am a money magnet

I radiate love

I attraction love

I deserve all the things of the universe

I deserve happy and wealthy life

I deserve abundance

Universe is always making me feel lucky

Universe always gives me what I want

I have a happy family

My family is healthy and happy

Every day my bank balance increases


What are AFFIRMATIONS & how to USE it? + Daily Powerful Affirmations
What are AFFIRMATIONS & how to USE it? + Daily Powerful Affirmations

I really hope you found this post useful. If so, please share it, bookmark it and pin it. You can also come back to this post and read this affirmations. Spend at least 10 minutes every day in reminding yourself about what you want to manifest and what are your desires, using these affirmations.

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what are affirmations, what are affirmations, everyday powerful affirmations, daily life affirmations