
Types of Dance Exercise & Why You Should Do It Daily?

The majority of people (including me) love dancing as it is fun and it is a workout of the whole body at the same time. It teaches you balancing and co-ordination and approximately 20-25 minutes of dancing can burn nearly 180 calories depending on the type of dancing you choose. With each passing day, dance motivated workouts are becoming very famous all across the world. Despite a toned body, it boosts your confidence and makes you look more graceful and allows you to have a straight back. If you follow me since I started blogging i.e. year 2007, you must be aware of the fact dancing was once my passion. Not books, not writing, not photography but dancing! With time, choices changed but the love for dancing remained the same. And now, I practise dance exercise. You know, there are different types of dance exercise that can help you stay fit and fabulous and in this post, we will discuss about the same!

Types of Dance Exercise & Why You Should Do It Daily?
Types of Dance Exercise & Why You Should Do It Daily? | image src: Polina K

Types of Dance Exercise:

Here are the types of dance exercise that will help you stay fit and healthy:


Zumba is a workout for the whole body and includes music and few dance moves in a day to day routine. In this workout, slow and fast movements are made alternately, and you can continuously burn calories. Quite a few Zumba classes embrace strength exercise, and it can build up your muscles and tone up your body to a great extent. They are affordable and most of the time done in groups.


Jazzercise is another form of dance exercise that can help you lose weight. Besides Jazz steps, it also incorporates yoga, kickboxing, pilates and resistance training. During the choreography body-weight exercises, resistance bands and free weights are also used. Jazzercise requires a lot of energy and potential and allows you to burn nearly 600 calories in 60 minutes. Youngsters can go for it as it is a fun-filled workout.


This form of dancing may not appear very athletic, but it can make you sweat. It increases your heart rate and is also known as aerobics. It involves a lot of elegance and style and is a beautiful form of dance activity to sweat out, increases your heart rate and tones your muscles as well. Ballroom dancing is a mood elevator and helps you to coordinate as you are dancing with a partner. It strengthens bones and helps in keeping your heart healthy.


Pole dancing may be having an unlikeable reputation as it is associated with the nightclubs but is a fantastic dance form that strengthens your upper body. This form of exercise includes a combination of Pilates, Yoga, TRX and strength training. Pole dancing improves your flexibility and stamina and is a challenging activity at the same time.


Barre is a form of dance exercise that is focussed more on balancing the body and holding a few positions for 1 to 2 minutes. It is a full-body workout and is a combination of ballet, yoga and strength training. It offers a straight body and lean physique and is a great stress buster. In Barre, your trainer also asks you to lift light weights and can assist you in building muscles and healthy body.

Why should you do Dance Exercise daily?

Here are a few reasons why dance exercise should be done every day.

  • It targets your whole body and core muscles

  • Improves the condition of your lungs and heart

  • Enhances motor fitness and stamina

  • Helps in weight management

  • Bones get healthy, and osteoporosis is reduced considerably

  • The body gets agile and flexible

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