
Should You Keep Jade Leaves in Your Pocket?

Jade is a wonderful plant that is mostly used as indoor plant. It is a type of succulent plant. Jade leaves are believed to bring luck and fortune, so some people keep them in their pockets. This can be a sign of good luck and protection, as many cultures believe that jade has healing and protective properties. In particular, jade is believed to bring the wearer wisdom, balance, and peace. Additionally, some people believe that having jade leaves in the pocket can help make decisions and increase creativity. However, whether or not you should keep jade leaves in your pocket is ultimately up to you.

Should You Keep Jade Leaves in Your Pocket?
Should You Keep Jade Leaves in Your Pocket? | image source: pexels

I personally believe that one should not keep jade leaves in the pockets. Reason why I am saying this is:

  • You will have to break the leaves from the plant to keep it in your pocket. Jade plants are already tiny in size and if you keep on plucking leaves from the plant, it will soon be just left with branches only
  • When you pluck jade leaves, if starts to die after 3-4 hours. It will start to turn black or brown and eventually die. There is no point of keeping a dry leaf in the pocket.

And it is said, if you love the plant and want to reap the maximum benefits, then don’t pluck it; instead water it and help it grow.

Hope you got the message.

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Jade Plant Benefits – Spiritual & Scientific

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