
How to Travel with Pet in Train in India?

You are a pet parent and worries how to travel with pet in train in India? I totally understand the concern. I too had a furry baby a few years ago, Ronnie, and we always used to get worried whenever we had to travel. Sometimes, we took him along for roadtrips, sometimes we left him at relative’s place and sometimes, we travelled by train and took him along. In this post, I am sharing some tips on how to travel with pet in train in India. Check it out!

To travel with a pet on a train in India, you need to follow specific guidelines and regulations set by Indian Railways. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to travel with a pet on a train in India:

How to Travel with Pet in Train in India?
How to Travel with Pet in Train in India? | Image by Freepik

1. Check the pet policy: Begin by checking the pet policy of Indian Railways to ensure that pets are allowed on the specific train you plan to travel on. Different train classes may have different policies, so it’s essential to verify the details.

2. Book your ticket: Once you have confirmed that pets are allowed on your chosen train, book your ticket. Make sure to select a class that permits pets. Most trains in India have a limited number of pet-friendly compartments or cabins. Most preferred way is to book a coupe/compartment in first-class AC bogie. It is surely expensive in comparison with other bogies but it is safe and sound. If it is out of your budget, then go for a per carrier that i have explained in the next point.

3. Pet carrier: Purchase a suitable pet carrier or crate that complies with Indian Railways’ guidelines. The carrier should be spacious enough for your pet to stand, sit, and turn around comfortably. It should also have proper ventilation.

4. Visit a veterinarian: Take your pet to a veterinarian for a general health check-up and ensure that your pet’s vaccinations and necessary paperwork are up to date. Some trains may require a health certificate issued by a veterinarian, so consult your vet regarding the specific requirements.

5. Prepare essentials: Pack your pet’s essentials such as food, water, medications, toys, bedding, and waste disposal bags. You should also carry a leash and collar for your pet.

6. Arrival at the station: Arrive at the railway station well in advance to complete the necessary formalities. Locate the luggage and parcel office to submit your pet’s transportation request and pay any applicable fees. Provide all the required documents, including the health certificate if necessary.

7. Boarding the train: Ensure that you are boarding the correct compartment designated for pet owners. Follow the instructions given by the railway staff and place the pet carrier securely under your seat or in the designated area.

8. During the journey: Take care of your pet’s needs during the journey. Provide food and water at appropriate intervals and keep them calm and comfortable. Avoid causing inconvenience to co-passengers and keep the pet carrier clean.

Remember to be considerate towards fellow passengers and respect their comfort and safety. Following these guidelines will help ensure a smooth and hassle-free journey with your pet on a train in India.

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