
Good Parenting Tips: Must Dos and Don’ts (the Basics)

Today we are going to talk something different here! If you know me personally or follow me regularly, you know that I live with 2 little kids – my nephew and niece! Since we all live together, I have learned a lot of things about parentings. I have seen both of them grow and have been a part of daily routine and chaos. I have had sleepless nights and tiring days handling kids with my sister-in-law. And it is a good learning. Recently, I was having this discussion with one of my close friends and hence, I decided to do a blog post on good parenting tips. Obviously, there are a lot of parents, single parents, God-parents and guardians. I am sure this post will be helpful in some way.

Good Parenting Tips
Good Parenting Tips: Must Dos and Don’ts

There are several parenting basics that you must know about. These represent the must-dos and don’ts that have to be followed at all costs. You may encourage your child to learn from mentors and teachers at school and also at online hobby classes. However, there are still some basic things that will come from you since you are naturally the first teacher of your little one. There are several kids indoor activities that you can otherwise encourage them to participate in, particularly at platforms like Yellow Class.

Good Parenting Tips
Good Parenting Tips: Must Dos and Don’ts

Here’s taking a look at the parenting dos and don’ts for you:

  • Do not keep asking questions on everything under the sun- Parents often overuse questioning words while talking to their children. This means that a simple instruction becomes a request and a pushy one at times too. Questions may be good aids for parenting although it only works when applied suitably without overuse. Wisely choose all questions. Express only instructions which are factually correct and clearly understandable. Yet, you can always have some free space for negotiations in this regard. You will thus create lesser scope for any conflict while helping the child also understand the non-negotiable nature of some things at least.
  • Refrain from providing exhaustive options together- Parents often want to give more choices to their little ones and end up giving them too many options together. However, children will mostly be unable to tackle anything more than 2-3 options together. Give them 2-3 options at the most and time to process information that you are offering, before taking any decision.
  • Stop over-reacting- Aside from unforeseen situations and mishaps, avoid over reacting to anything. Are you always panicking at the first sight of anything remotely undesirable? If the answer is yes, then you are simply over reacting at the very first opportunity. Let your children learn to make mistakes, fail and stand up on their feet as well.
  • Do not keep hiding your feelings every time- Parents should stop concealing their actual feelings all the time in front of children. There are some thoughts and feelings which should be kept from the little ones. However, you should be more authentic with your children so that they view you as human, learn expression and also process emotions suitably on their own. Allow your kids to peek into your mind space from time to time and they will learn how to empathize with your feelings.
  • Avoid over-criticism- Most people end up noticing the mistakes made by their children more often than not, instead of focusing mostly on the good things that they are doing and things that they have accomplished previously. Children need criticism of a more constructive nature and parents should avoid the urge to over criticize as well. Children should learn from their mistakes as much as possible and get feedback for improvement as well. Yet, over criticism never did anyone any good.

I really hope you found this article useful.

Good Parenting Tips
Good Parenting Tips

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