
Main Difference Between High Impact and Low Impact Aerobics

I recently started with aerobics and I am totally loving it. I have joined classes near my home. Health is wealth and it is very important that you become conscious about your health. There are main 2 types of aerobics – high impact and low impact. In this post, I am sharing the major difference between of these types.

Main Difference Between High Impact and Low Impact Aerobics
Main Difference Between High Impact and Low Impact Aerobics | image source: pexels

High impact aerobic exercises involve intense physical movement, such as running, jumping, and leaping, while low impact aerobic exercises involve slow, controlled movements that put minimal stress on the body. High impact aerobic exercises are more intense and require a higher level of physical exertion, while low impact aerobic exercises are gentler and do not require as much physical effort.

High impact aerobic exercises are generally more beneficial for improving cardiovascular health, endurance, and metabolism, while low impact exercises are better for individuals who are recovering from injuries or who have joint problems.

Low impact aerobics is an effective and safe way to get a good workout without putting your body under too much strain. It is a great way to increase your cardiovascular fitness, strengthen your muscles, and burn calories. Low impact aerobics exercises involve movements like jogging, walking, hopping, and jumping that are done with a low intensity, meaning that the impact of each movement is low.

This makes them suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels, as well as those with injuries or other health issues. Low impact aerobics can be a fun and enjoyable way to stay in shape and improve your overall health.

Hope this helps!

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