
A Good Bedtime Routine For A Stress-Free Morning

All of us want to start the day on a good note. Isn’t it? But this totally depends on how well you slept last night, how much you have prepared for a day and your bedtime routine. An early wake up is good and key to a stress-free morning, but many hardly follow. Some miss the alarm or press the snooze button of alarm. And don’t worry it happens to me as well. But even if I wake up late in the morning, I don’t feel stressed at all because I had prepared for it the last night. Yes, include these things in your bedtime routine and see how stress-free mornings you will have.

A Good Bedtime Routine For A Stress-Free Morning
A Good Bedtime Routine For A Stress-Free Morning | img:pexel

Here is a good bedtime routine for a stress-free morning:

1. Pamper yourself before sleeping

Rule is simple, the more you relax and sleep well, the better your mornings will be. So, you need to pamper yourself properly before sleeping. It doesn’t mean you need to spend hours in some session etc., no. You can wash your face and do some face massage. You can take some hand or foot massage cream and massage for 10 minutes, or you can do some aromatherapy before sleeping. If you live with your spouse or love partner, then you can cuddle to sleep to feel relaxed.

2. Write down your to-do list for tomorrow

Take the planner and note down the lists to do next day. This helps in preparing themselves mentally strong for next morning. Missing the planner makes next day harder.

3. Set alarm, but at a distance

Want to wake up early and set a time in the alarm. Don’t place it close to the bed, keep at a certain distance, means time to wake up. Keeping it on bedside prompt to press the snooze button; choose an alarm, such as traditional sounding alarm, favorite radio station.

4. Set time for waking up according to work

I never say, waking up early is a hardcore rule. No! I am not an early riser as well. But I always wake up at least 2 hours before I begin to work. So, you need to set your time like that. If your work starts at 11, you need to be up by 9. This will give you enough time to freshen’ up and get set for the day.

5. Make the preparations overnight

Get ready all the things at night itself; including the dress, accessories to wear, purse, sunglasses, laptop, etc in the bag. This saves time next morning, chance to do other things.

Try these and see the difference!

Also read:

10 Tips for a Morning Routine that Boosts Mental Health

And watch:

bedtime routine, bedtime things to do, bedtime mindful routine, bedtime routine for girls

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