
Benefits Of Sunlight For Skin, Hair And Health

Many people enjoy the feeling of sunlight and there has been an increased evidence to support its health benefits. Yes, there are numerous benefits of sunlight for skin, hair and health. From keeping people warm to promoting the growth of plants and crops, sunlight is essential for life. A common awareness of the fact that too much exposure to UV radiation from the sun can cause skin cancer has prompted people to be cautious about spending time in the sun.

Sunlight and darkness trigger the release of hormones in human brain. Exposure to sunlight increases the hormone called Serotonin that is associated with boosting mood and helping a person feel focused and calm. At night, darker lighting triggers the brain with melatonin that helps you sleep. If enough sun exposure is not maintained then serotonin levels dips down which increases the risk of major depression with seasonal pattern.

The amount of sunlight needed depends on person’s age, health, skin tone, place where the person live and diet. Normally, as per scientists, 5 to 15 minutes and up to 30 minutes if you are dark skinned is enough to get the most out of it without causing any health problems. If you use sunscreen, you can stay out longer. Let’s now discuss the benefits of sunlight on Skin, Hair and Health.

Benefits Of Sunlight For Skin, Hair And Health
Sunshine & me! 

Benefits of Sunlight for Skin

Sunshine makes your skin glow. People often think that sunlight can damage the skin but for people with certain skin tone and condition, sunlight can actually be a free medicine, but, even for those who do not have any skin issues, taking a few UV rays can give a healthy glow. A research states that sunshine can lower the blood pressure and improve heart health. The more you nourish your body, the better it will look.

A beautiful skin has a major impact on your appearance but that starts from within and that is why moderate sun exposure is associated with all kinds of health benefits so never feel afraid to enjoy the benefits of the sun. As per scientists, sunlight triggers the synthesis of Vitamin D within the body and this action causes immune cells to travel to the skin’s outer layer where they protect and help repair the damage caused by sun exposure. Some research suggests that sunlight exposure is the most efficient way to induce the receptors that direct protective cells to the skin but at the same time abandoning the sunscreen is not suggested. It also helps treat acne through a four – week outdoor therapy of sunbathing.

Benefits of Sunlight for Hair

Heliosis is said to be the effective remedy for hair loss, while this comes in as great news for those suffering from the extreme loss, it is equally important to remember that over exposure to sunlight can do more damage than good, so be easy on giving some dose of sun’s rays to your hair. The epithelial cells are known to help your hair grow are highly sensitive to UV light and too much exposure can deplete the levels of Vitamin C and E that are essential for hair growth. Sunlight helps body produce Vitamin D which in turn stimulates the growth of your hair and prevents hair loss. The UV rays are also known to be harmful but in the right dose they can help treat fungal infections and acne on the scalp by relieving the symptoms by slowing the growth of skin cells. It also lets you to lighten the strands.

If your hair gets damaged from sunlight, try aloe vera for restoring the softness of sun damaged hair and Amla that can increase the strength of brittle hair and prevents further breakage. A hair mask with freshly extracted aloe vera gel and Amla juice can restore hair health from the very first use.

Health Benefits of Sunlight

In ancient times, sunbathing was a part of Yoga and was considered to have numerous healing properties. Cultures like, Greeks, used to practice sunbathing to heal illnesses. It is a no secret that sun is one of the richest source of Vitamin D that is essential for good health and helps strengthen bones and teeth to support your immune system for protection against dementia and ageing of the brain and minimise asthmatic symptoms.. The supply of Vitamin D increases due to sunlight which is why it is also known as the sunlight vitamin. The lesser sunlight you receive, the higher are your chances of being diagnosed with prostate cancer. The stress hormone known as Cortisol may increase your appetite and experts suggest that high Cortisol levels lead to weight gain.

Having exposure to sunlight decreases the Cortisol levels. Sunlight can help people suffering from depression. If you do not get enough sunlight, a particular form of depression called Seasonal Affective Disorder occurs that happens mainly in winters or during fall. It is also found that early morning sunlight reduces the length of hospitalisation.

So, now you know why sunlight is so good for us. Over exposure might cause tanning and make you feel a bit irritated, so make sure that you limit the exposure of sunlight but expose yourself to reap the benefits of sunlight everyday for at least 30 minutes. I would suggest you to do surya namaskar early morning or sit in the sun around 6-7 am when it’s not too harsh.

Source of data:,,

P.S: This article is just for general informative purpose and should be not taken as a medical professional advice. For serious health issues, consult a professional. 

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