Tonight 13 July 2022, is a SUPERMOON which is the biggest full moon of 2022. I am a Brahmin girl who is very spiritually inclined person and a firm believer/practitioner of the law of the universe. It has been more than a decade since I started and now, it has reached to a level where I also help and guide others to enhances their life and lifestyle and manifest all things good. Moon cycles play a very significant role in our lives. Even as Hindus, we worship moon different moon-cycles and observe fasts. There are many rituals that you can do in order to reap the best benefits from the powerful full moon.

Firstly keep in mind that full moon night, 2 days prior and 2 laters day, is a perfect time for self-reflection and manifestation. Now, let’s begin with the list of 7 things to do on a full moon for good luck:
1. Clean your mental space
This means, you need to first acknowledge the negative thoughts that are creeping your mind. Now, tell your mind that these are just negative thoughts and they do no good to you. Take a few moments to breathe-in-breathe-out and let it go.
Read: Step by Step Guide: Full Moon Rituals to Release & Let Go
2. Clean your physical space
Means, your house, your cupboard, your alter, your house-temple! Burn a sage, an agarbatti, camphor (kapoor), candle or diffuser to remove all the stagnant energies.
3. Journal
This is has been my ritual since years. I might avoid journaling on regular days but I never skip journaling during the full moon. Write all your wishes and desires. Tell yourself by writing that you are worth of everything good. Ask the moon to bless you and make all your dreams come true. You can also create a new vision board.
4. Meditate
Said enough!
5. Spend some time under the moon light
It is said that standing under the moon light charges your mind, body and soul. Try it. You will feel the difference. If you ask me, I do it, because of this reason and also for the fact that I am a selenophile (person who loves moon), so I feel comfort in looking at the full moon and feeling its light all over me.
6. Burn a bay leaf
You might have probably heard about this. If not, then let me tell you what to do. Take a bay leaf, write your wish on it and burn it under the moonlight. Blow the ashes out in the universe. This is the easiest manifestation ritual to bring good luck to your life.
7. Sing, Pray & Dance – Do what makes you happy from within
This is the key to attract good luck to your life. Universe responds to only things that have a high vibrational frequency. Easiest way to raise your vibes is to do what makes you feel happy from within. It can be singing on top of your voice or dancing your heart out, without thinking if anyone will judge your skills… or simply pray to God, read chalisas and chant mantras.
I wrote this post direct dil se, I have never shared this before… so I really hope you will appreciate it and support me by sharing it, pinning it or bookmarking it.
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