
5 Things to Cut Out of Your Life in 2022

2022 is here and as I always say, spend your January in planning and preparing yourself for the rest of the year. Making lists, journaling, reading thoughtful articles (just like this one), mindful actions, goal settings, all these help to set a clear intention for the year ahead. In this post, I am sharing 5 things to cut out from your life in #2022. So, without further ado, let’s read on!

5 Things to Cut Out of Your Life in 2022
5 Things to Cut Out of Your Life in 2022 | img:pexels

Toxic Relationships: 

This is important! At one point of time in life, you have to cut off on toxic relationships no matter how important they are to you. Nothing is as important as your own mental health. If you know someone who is abusive, manipulative, selfish, using you, torturing you, just cut them off. And remember, you don’t owe an explanation to anyone for this.

Social Media Addiction:

Social media is a good source of leisure and you can do time-pass here. But addiction is bad. That urge to check social media every now and then, fear of missing out aka FOMO, facebook instagram first thing in the morning and last thing in the night, it is WRONG! You need to cut it off. Limit the use of social media, it will visibly improve your mental health and make you feel happy and stay positive.

Desire to Please Others:

Sometimes, we go out of the way to please others. Okay! May be that is in your nature. But DO NOT DO IT if it’s costing you something bad to you, even if it is your mental peace. So, cut down on the desire to please others. Accept the fact that different people and have different perception and you just can’t please everyone every time. So, take a chill pill!

Focusing on Past Mistakes:

You need to accept your mistakes, learn from it and let it go. Don’t punish yourself by focusing on your past mistakes and making your heart and mind suffer. Just let it go! What had to happen, happened. You are different person now. Forgive yourself, accept the truth and move on!

Comparing your Journey with Others:

This is very important! People often compare our success, our financial state, our relationships, our assets etc with others’. This is wrong. Your journey, your goals, your state in life is different because YOU ARE A DIFFERENT PERSON. Every person is unique, so their journey is unique. Focus on yours only and stop comparing your journey with others.

Also read:

These are My Travel Resolutions for 2022! And Yours?

Reflect on 2021 & Get Ready for 2022 – Happy New Year!

I also made a reel about this! Show some love 🙂

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