
Wine Tasting Etiquette You Must Know

Wine Tasting Etiquette You Must Know *Disclaimer: This post is intended for readers above 25 of age

Wine is tasting is no less than an art. Whether you are a newbie or a pro, when it’s comes to wine tasting, you must follow certain rules. Actually, I must say etiquette and not rule. Unlike, other hard drinks, Wine is delicate and deserves to be treated with manners. Tasting rooms and visits to wineries is something every traveller comes across, therefore here are certain wine tasting etiquette you must know!

Wine Tasting Etiquette You Must Know
Wine Tasting Etiquette You Must Know | img:pexels

Wine Tasting Etiquette You Must Know


There are exclusive wine glasses to justify that single sip of wine. It must have a clear bowl so that one can have a clear look at the color of the wine.  A long stem is must so that the warmth from your hand doesn’t heat the wine. To making the sipping easy, the glass must a thin rim. It should be wide enough to swirl the wine.

Wine Tasting process:

Sep 1: Look:

The moment the wine is poured in your glass. Have a look at it. White wines darken with age and red wines fade in color with age.

Step 2: Swirl:

Once the wine is in your hand swirl it to aerate it and release the aroma of the wine. Do it very slowly.

Step 3: Smell:

You can just get closer to the wine glass and take a deep breath. Try smelling the wine. Do you find it earthy, fruity or spicy? The younger wines have lesser subtle aromas when compared to the older ones.

Step 4: Sip

The final step that very wine lover would want is to taste the wine.

Do not drink the wine immediately after sipping it in, just taste it. Take in a very small sip in your mouth with wine and just swish it around. When you move the wine in mouth, the aroma of the wine will be released, then take it in and enjoy!

Thus, if you are a wine lover, you must visit a vineyard and experience the wine-making process. You will get to taste several variants of wine apart from knowing the several steps in making wine.

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