When you store the memory in your heart and not in the head, gratitude begins. There are several things that we must be thankful in life, but we hardly acknowledge them. The power of gratitude is immense, it can move mountains and manifest miracles. It can actually bring wonders to life. We all should be thankful for what we have to manifest what we want.
Here are 4 steps to word with the power of gratitude to bring wonders to your life. I have experienced it and you should try too!
Look around:
Do not be too occupied in life such that you forget to even think about the grateful things in life. Pause for few minutes and think about 3 things that you are grateful in life. Keep increasing your list and see how wonderful life is.
Look towards yourself:
Of course, you need to find out about things that are good in yourself and you must be proud of it. It could be your good sense of humor, patience in you, listening skills, presence of mind and so on.
Express your gratitude:
There is no point in keeping the gratitude to self. You need to let the other person know about the things that you are thankful for. Say a word of thanks to them, give them a hug send a thank you card, send them flowers and keep smiling always. There is no point in knowing the good things and keeping it to self. The power of gratitude must be felt and expressed.
Early or late:
There is no fix time to express your gratitude. Either you can start your day with it or end your day with it. It is such a joy to see smile on the faces of others.And, you will also be positive once you have expressed the gratitude. When you wake-up think about things that you are blessed about. Think about your life how would have it been had those things weren’t there in life.
I really hope you got an idea how powerful gratitude is. If you have read the book The Secret, you must have known about the earlier, if not I highly recommend you to read this book by Rhonda Byrne. It is a good book for beginners who wish to learn to manifest with the power of gratitude.
Also read:
Gratitude is a Happy Habit for All. Know Why?
10 Tips for a Morning Routine that Boosts Mental Health
Make a Powerful Vision Board on Pinterest {in just 5minutes}
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Loved reading this. Thanx so much for writing this for all of us. Its really positive.