Hobbies Improve Mental Health: Having a hobby is the best way to spend your leisure time and get a break from everyday routine. It is important to find your hobbies meaningful and enjoyable to get complete benefit from it. Various studies have been conducted stating that engaging in certain hobbies can make a positive impact on both mental and physical health. Engaging in hobbies can help you professionally and personally as well and has proved to lower stress level. Patients who visit doctors to reduce mild depression are often told by them to take up a hobby to improve their mental health.

When you take up a hobby of your interest, chemical messengers, also known as neurotransmitters are released. Dopamine is one of those neurotransmitters that helps you to feel pleasure. This makes us feel happy and reduces stress.
Initially you may feel bored to take up a hobby or to follow it but as you start to associate with it, you will find pleasure in doing it.
Here’s how hobbies improve mental health:
- Taking up hobbies like playing a musical instrument can reduce anxiety or mild depression.
- Hobbies like reading or playing board games or chess can improve your memory.
- Gardening is a hobby that will keep you engaged with nature and keep your body and mind healthy.
- Gardening provides endurance, flexibility and strength.
- Fishing is a hobby which needs you to spend time outside your house in the sea, near lake or river. It teaches you to have patience and focus.
- People who involve in hobbies tend to improve in connecting with others and they make good circle of friends around them with same interest.
- Creative hobbies like reading, writing or painting creates a platform of self-expression to process your own emotions.
- Life can be boring if you don’t spend your good time in hobbies, it will not only build your confidence but also motivate you to attain your goals in life.
P.S: This article is for informational purpose and should not be replaced with professional mental help and medication. For serious conditions, kindly seek help from therapists or doctors.
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