Yogurt is an amazing dairy product that is created when milk goes through bacterial fermentation. It is one of the best sources of protein and calcium and is a part of diet all across the world. Facts reveal that yogurt existed almost 4500 years but the health benefits of yogurt have been unveiled recently. It is highly nutritious and when you are eating it on a day to day basis it boosts your health. In this post, I am sharing the health benefits of yogurt that I know from various sources, like my mumma, my grandma, dad and family doctor. Read on!
Health benefits of Yogurt:
Loaded with Nutrients
Yogurt is said to be loaded with nutrients that the body requires. It is a rich source of calcium a nutrient that is extremely good for healthy bones and teeth. It is also high in B vitamins, chiefly Riboflavin and vitamin B12 both protect an individual against heart disease. Vitamin D in Yogurt makes your bone strong and prevents them from breaking easily.
Builds your immune system
Consuming yogurt on a daily basis can strengthen your immune system to a great extent and helps in contracting an illness. Yogurt offers pro-biotic, minerals and vitamins, that boosts immune wellbeing and puts a stop to certain diseases which may harm the body tremendously.
Yogurt is good for digestion
Few varieties of yogurt are said to contain probiotics that assists in improving the digestive health of an individual and considerably reduces the symptoms of general gastrointestinal issues chiefly bloating, constipation and diarrhoea.
High Protein Content
Yogurt is thought to contain high protein content. It is very good for curbing the appetite and thus helps in controlling the weight.
Protection against Osteoporosis
Yogurt with few of the main nutrients for preserving bone health, that includes calcium, potassium, protein, phosphorus and at times few varieties comprises of vitamin D as well.
All these minerals and vitamins are extremely helpful for averting osteoporosis, a condition that is known to weaken the bones. It is widespread in the aged people. With osteoporosis people are at a higher risk and get bone fractures. Taking yoghurt regularly may considerably lessen the threat of osteoporosis
Good for heart Patients
Yogurt has a good amount of fat content but even then it is good for heart patients. Yogurt is beneficial as it increases “good” HDL cholesterol thus reducing the blood pressure of an individual.
Helps in weight reduction
Yogurt with its endless properties can help in managing the weight of an individual. Many reviews indicate that the eating full-fat dairy products, which includes yogurt can trim down obesity to a great extent. This is divergent to what was formerly thought about fat intake and gaining of weight. Yogurt is extremely high in protein and it is filling which in turn improves your diet on the whole.
To wrap it up we can say that yogurt is good for the majority of the people except for the ones who suffers from milk allergy. Few varieties may contain added sugar which is not good for people suffering from diabetes and are over-weight. So, chose your yogurt wisely for maximum health benefits.
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