Happy Dussehra everyone! May we all celebrate the victory of good over evil and may we all be happy and have a good life. Today (as every year), we went to our terrace to see the Dussehra festival celebration that happens in the club which is right across the road. That’s a perk of living near a club! You don’t have to go out to enjoy the festivities. You can simply be at your balcony or go to your terrace to enjoy! And also, I clicked beautiful photos of fireworks.
If you are a regular follower of this blog (or me) or know me personally, you must be knowing that I love to capture the moon and the fireworks. I have a thing for sky photography. Moon photography is my favourite (read: SuperMoon 2016 Captured!)
Second favourite is capturing fireworks and then comes everything. By the way, I recently bought a new camera. It’s Canon 1300D. Yes, I finally bid adieus to my Nikon camera! So, here are some of the best shots from today’s photography.
Clicked these beautiful photos of fireworks and Ravana dehen from my terrace! Here you go:

Take care! 🙂