You might have found this article by either searching something on ‘positive life’, or maybe want to know about ‘gratitude journal’. Either ways, I would like to begin with expressing my sincere gratitude towards you for sparing your valuable time on this blog and finding this post worthy enough to educate you about Gratitude Journal.
I am a law of attraction believer and have been practicing it since my school days, which means over a decade now.
I have always been fond of journaling. In fact, I was (and am) the kind of a person who loves to carry a diary and pen and can sit to write anytime, anywhere. In fact, journaling is my best manifestation technique.
Let me first begin with explaining a bit about gratitude.

According to the law of attraction, if you are grateful for what you have, the good things amplify in your life means you attract more reasons to be grateful. For example, if you are grateful for the money you have today, no matter how small amount or how big, universe will give you more money, so that you feel more grateful about it.
Same is applicable for everything in your life – relationships, work, career, assets and everything.
Everything in this universe is energy. Nothing is big or small for the universe as it is infinite. Universe doesn’t know if you are lying or thinking the truth. It can just feel the vibrations and responds to it.
But, universe only responds to higher frequency, because obviously, it is so big and massive, and since everything is has a vibration of its own, only higher vibrations reaches the universe and then it responds to it.
Now the questions is, how to raise your vibrations so high that it reaches the universe. You simply need to feel, feel so deeply and truly without evening putting a single doubt.
Often, we unknowingly send negative vibrations and trust me its very strong. The feelings of fear, doubt, ego, anger etc makes you vibrate higher resulting in attracting all things negative.
On the other hand, the feelings of love, gratitude, joy and positivity helps you attract all things negative.
So, first step is to control your thoughts and focus on all things positive. How to do it?
Enters gratitude journal!
So, what exactly is a Gratitude Journal?
It is simply diary where you express your gratitude for everything you have or want.
Yep! That’s it.
You just need to write in your gratitude journal about things that made you happy and things that you are grateful for.
You can either start your day by thanking the universe or your God, or you can end your day with it. Choice is totally yours.
I do it both times.
Now, you might be thinking what you can write in your Gratitude Journal?
Choice it totally yours. Think of your Gratitude journal as your best friend or genie, who is always listening to you and is always granting your wishes. Like you get an urge to tell everything to your best friend or partner, same way you need to feel for your gratitude journal. If anything amazing happens, tell your journal by writing in it.
You can either write it in the form of affirmations or like a letter.
Some examples of affirmations for gratitude journal are:
I am thankful that I have a job
I am thankful that I have a house
I am grateful for this life
I am grateful for my good health
I am grateful for my family’s good health
I am grateful for this loving relationship with my partner
I am grateful that I am happy
I am grateful that I manifest everything I want
These were general ideas. Now, if you want to manifest something in your life, you can write those also… expressing your gratitude in advance, with a belief that now THIS WILL HAPPEN, WITHOUT A DOUBT, not thinking about how and when.
For this, you can start with writing general affirmations about things you already have and then write affirmations for things you want. For example, first you write the general affirmations like above and then write these:
I am thankful that I am getting married to my boyfriend
I am thankful that I am getting raise in my salary
I am grateful that I am buying my dream car
I am grateful for 100$ that I got miraculously
I am grateful that I am living a debt-free life
I am grateful that my business is shining and making me profits
Make sure, you begin with things you already have and then switch to things you want, because your mind already knows what is true and what is not, so, you need to raise your vibrations with the truth and feeling grateful about what you have, in order to manifest what you want.
I have been practicing this since long and I have manifested so many things with this.
Once you start to maintain a gratitude journal on daily basis, you get to experience so many good things in life. You become a positive person and you focus on all things joyful and positive.
Gratitude journal is a gateway to a positive life. You will only understand this when you try this and experience its miracles.
I would say, if you still don’t believe me, try for 1 month and see the difference.
Good News! I am now teaching the Law of attraction and manifestation hacks that have worked for me over the years and coach people to implement in their daily lives. If you too wish learn Law of attraction, have doubts about it, learn about vision boards, affirmations, switchwords, energy circles and miracle codes or wish to clear your doubts about Law of attraction and manifestation techniques OR if you have been trying hard but Law of attraction is still not working for you and you want to understand what is wrong, then fill the form below to book an appointment and my team will get back with the details.
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