Handbags are very much essential just like the vessels in our life. If you chose the right one then it may change your entire look and can even make a strong style statement. They are the oldest accessory. Most of the people have at least some pair of different varieties of handbags in their collection. Some of the different types of handbags are:
- Shoulder bags
- Backpacks
- Satchel
- Box clutch
- Tote Bags
- Duffle Bags
Shoulder bags: This bag got its name from the way it is worn, hung over one shoulder. The size of different shoulder bags varies from each other, but it is enough to hold the essentials one needs to carry.
Backpacks: In earlier days the backpack size would be large and it was designed especially for the students to carry books, travelers and hikers to carry food, camera or water bottles. Gradually as the generation has started changing the size of the backpack differs.
Satchel: These bags are of medium size which has two short handles and also include a long strap to carry easily. It is kind of soft-sided briefcase. It is mostly used for casual occasions. This bag has several modern variations.
Box clutch: This handbag is designed to be a small rectangular box which gives a very cool look. It can be used along with casual outfits. It comes in unique design and has a small handle.
Tote Bags: Tote bag is a long and huge jhola type bag.
Duffle Bag: Gym bags or the look-alikes are called as duffle bags.
As you may see the list above tells us about different handbags and they are even known by different names. There is variation in designs, style that makes the handbag a masterpiece of fashion. Still people try to redesign or reinvent a different handbag as the generation is growing rapidly and people want something different which can meet their style.
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