
What is a Carbon Footprint & Ways to Reduce it

Happy World Environment day everyone! I want to talk about Carbon footprint in this blogpost.

If you search the definition of Carbon footprint on Wikipedia, you might to understand it well if you don’t come from a science background of studies. Well, that’s why I am writing this blog post on what Carbon footprint means because it is very important. Yes, it is important for each one of us to understand what exactly carbon footprint means and what are its causes. We should also try to be careful with our actions and help reduce our carbon footprints.

Anamika Mishra
Anamika Mishra explains What is Carbon Footprint

What is Carbon footprint?

The amount of harmful gases (like carbon dioxide, methane etc) also known as greenhouse gases released in the environment due to our daily actions is known as carbon footprints.

What are the causes of Carbon footprint?

Whatever we do, may it be driving our car, disposing things, creating things, eating, cooking etc. and even breathing (obviously, we exhale carbon dioxide), everything creates carbon footprints.

How to reduce it?

Well, obviously you won’t stop breathing (duh-uh) but then there are many ways to reduce your carbon footprint.

  • Plant for trees

Everyone knows that we breathe-out carbon dioxide that is inhaled by plants and they in-return give us fresh oxygen to breathe. By planting more and more trees, we can increase the sources of oxygen that will help us reduce carbon dioxide from the environment naturally.

  • Save water

Turn off the tap when brushing your teeth or washing hands/utensils etc. Also, if you use shower to bath, try doing it quickly else use bucket/mug for bathing. There are many more ways to save water. Just look around and see how you can save it.

  • Avoid using plastic bags and polythenes

For shopping or carrying stuff, use reusable bags instead of one-time disposable plastics, polythenes and packets.

Did you know: Plastics can take anywhere from 25 to 500 years to decompose, depending on its material and composition. 

  • Reuse/Repair

Think if you can reuse something in another way instead of throwing away. Or if something can be repaired instead or buying a new one. Do try to reuse or repair instead of throwing it away.

  • Less use of vehicles

Vehicles are harmful, even the electric one because they need sources to charge it which also requires the use of electricity eventually causing air pollution. Limit the use of personal vehicles instead, use public transport. Or walk, whenever possible.

  • Energy conservation

Conserve energy, save energy. Switch off lights when not in use, switch off the switches and other electronic appliances when not in use. Use rechargeable items instead of one-time battery operated as you throw the cells and batteries and then it causes harm to the environment.

These were some of the ways to reduce your carbon footprint. You might thing, what if I don’t do such things. How does it matter if 1 switch is left on? or if my tap is on for 20 seconds. It does matter and to a great extent.

There is an old saying is hindi ‘Boond boond se sagar bharta hai‘, which means drop by drop, an ocean is made.

So, just be mindful with you daily actions and try to help the environment. After-all, this is our planet, our home, our Earth and we need to keep it clean and safe. Ya?


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World Environment Day : How I Celebrate The Day + Tips For You